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When the video came out, everyone became euphoric. I noticed in my social networks that everyone was talking about the wonder it was, as well as being adorable. I didn't see it... I was afraid to see us in the video. That could weaken my resolution. He isn't entirely to blame for what happened. It was true, the problem is that his words still felt too real. And I knew that the video we are being completely loving with each other... many fans realized that. What started the rumor that Hana and Ravi broke up because of me. Ugh, this situation was never going to end, right? Exactly combined with the incident that occurred after the performance of us the first time, it's a rumor that is becoming more powerful every time. Do I have to be the bad guy? Fuck, I was first than Hana. Oh, wait. Nobody knows that. So, I end up being the one who broke a relationship. Thank you. I let out a tired breath, all I wanted was for this nightmare to end before going crazy. Ravi made several statements, in which he explained the reasons for their breakup. But to all, he continued taking all the blame, instead of the causative of everything and that made me angrier with him.

-Are you ready? -Ravi asked looking at me in the mirror while the stylist combed him. I watched my reflection in the mirror to not study him.

-I am -We were preparing for a TV interview. Although the song wasn't a selling single, it has caused so much commotion that's why they contacted us. The luck is that Jellyfish is the label where the song comes from, Ravi is the main singer of the song, so few questions addressed to me. Or so I hoped.

-You're live in two -Said the producer. I stood up and walked to the door.

-Ha Neul, wait -I turned to see Ravi walking, looking beautiful from head to toe. He stopped in front of me, almost completely ignoring what was involved in personal space and took something out of his pocket. I looked at him curiously while he without a word put something on my neck. When I saw my necklace, a lump formed in my throat-. I know that this doesn't change anything. I only return it to where it belongs.

-You're ready? You are out now.

-Let's go. Everything will be fine -I let myself be carried by Ravi, who grabbed my hand and left the dressing room.

We were sitting together, while the MC asked us questions about us before we started talking about the song. I got nervous, it was my first time being on a TV show. Ravi unfolded perfectly, I just wanted to get out of the inspection of the people who sat behind the cameras.

-Ha Neul -The man began and took all my effort to look natural-, you were a source of surprises when your modeling career began, so we are all curious, what can't be missing while you are in photo shooting? Can you tell us? -I laughed. The first time I did a photo shooting, when Sun Hee had arrived I had half of my makeup because I needed to do something while I waited. Then when I started working, I turned on the music because I needed to release the tension.



-Yes. I'm pretty sure I've made most of the people who work with me Starlight -Ravi laughed.

-It's no secret that you're a VIXX fan -Said the interviewer-. Since when are you a fan?

-From their beginning.

-Oh, I see. Your fans say that of the idols you most admire is Ravi. What did it feel to do this collaboration? -Thanks to the gods that he made this so cute that made me look like just a fan. If there was a hint of something else, the situation that was already carrying stones, was going to get worse.

-True, I have admired the rapper since the beginning of his career. That I could make a collaboration with him is a dream that I don't believe myself but we're going there -Ravi's smile was blinding, but he looked a little embarrassed.

-I can imagine that. Is there another group that you would like to collaborate with? -Why did he treat me like I was a known singer? Seriously, another collaboration? With whom? I'm not an idol!

-Uh, that's very big... I have groups that I like a lot, but I've never dared to dream of collaboration. In fact, this single came out because Ravi gave me the approach.

-Oh, that's interesting -The man looked at Ravi giving me a break from the questions. Finally-. So, you made the approach. How did you discover Ha Neul's talent before everyone else? Is it true that she was part of the composition and production?

-Yes, I did the approach. I discovered her talent by sheer accident one night that I was practice until late and she was still working in her office. She had her player on, so she was singing very loudly -He laughed found it funny just like the others, while I discovered all the mystery that surrounded the approach. So, he had heard me sing?-. Since then I wanted to do something with her because her voice is more than pleasant. With respect to the composition and production of the song, it is true. Very few know that Ha Neul also writes. She has good art for words. I knew she had a good voice, but when I found that it was a whole new world.

-Well, that's incredible -Ravi nodded proudly and I moved uneasily in my seat. Did he really have to let go of all those things? I already felt strange here and he was doing everything worse-. You're a very talented person.

-Just a little -I couldn't help stopping a grimace making everyone laugh.

-Someone doesn't like to be the center of attention -Ravi said hastily-. She is shy sometimes.

-For real? That's different from what you've seen out there -The man took a breath and looked at us curiously-. You seem to get along very well and that is demonstrated in the music video... how is the dynamics between you two? -Well, isn't very good at this time.

-As in the video, we get along very well.

-I would say that they are perfectly carried -The MC shone with emotion-. The part of the joke was very imp, Ha Neul. How could you joke that you lost the recording? -A collective chorus of laughter was heard. So, they included that part...

-I couldn't help it -I laughed-. Let me see how to explain it. Ravi is one of the people who doesn't see anything further when he is working...

-Ah, and you decided to play the joke on him? -I nodded.

-Yes. I couldn't miss that opportunity.

-Wah, go. You really are something else -We laughed-. What if we now say goodbye to the public with your new song? What do you think? -Ravi took a moment to say goodbye to the viewers as the expert he was, while I just stood there lost in terror. When is this over?

We recorded the performance and went back to the dressing rooms. The fans received the performance with a good response, which put us in a good mood. Our respective managers were waiting for us. I received a greeting from Shin Hwa who gave me a big hug, and then asked:

-How do you feel? You're good?

-I almost felt like dying at the beginning -I still couldn't help feeling die in front of so many people.

-The more you do it, the more comfortable you will feel -Ravi looked at us from the side.

-I don't dream about that -Shin Hwa laughed.

-Let's eat?

-Please, I'm starving.

Ravi looked like he wanted to protest, but he didn't. I was glad, I had no idea how to continue making my fort with him if he kept pushing so much. Several days ago, his details began, those that I remembered so well. Messages in the days, flowers to my photo sections, I even sent food to the set. Oh, and coffee! It was a mystery as he sent coffee just when I forgot to drink one. So, every time the illogical became more logical and I was with him in the middle of guilt. At this rate, all that remained was to forgive him. But I still had reservations.

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