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Since I returned from my vacation everything was great. I felt better than I've been in a long time and my phone kept ringing because Ravi was sending me constant messages, making me smile all the time. Things technically came back to their place. After Shin Hwa almost killed me when he saw me with the small lessons, he left me another few days to rest. So, I was in these moments with the laptop lying on the couch. It was a luxury I couldn't give me so often, and I felt the glory.

I reviewed the photos that had been uploaded to the fanbase while thinking of other possible columns to do. Being full of work, I couldn't do things with them as often as before, but now I wanted to try new stuff from different perspectives of the boys. I laughed when I saw all the notifications of fans that asked me questions about them. I would be happy to tell my experiences with them, but it was part of our personal life, so I wasn't so open to doing that. Maybe one day I would give a little more info.

I took off my glasses and put them on the couch, rubbing my eyes with one hand. I have been hours without rest in front of the computer. I had a good time answering the fans, and a much bigger one working with the fanbase. I decided to go surfing on VIXX's fancafe to see what I found. I looked curiously at the screen when I saw a message from Ravi there. In what world have I been that I didn't realize? I opened the message faster than blinking and read:

A couple of days ago my brothers and I were on vacation. It was a peculiar vacation in which I got angry, I got scared to death, I laughed and created unforgettable moments. In those days I thought a lot about writing this, and until now I don't find how to do it, but anyway I feel that after all, it's time. The days before this vacation were really hard, I ended doing things I didn't want to do, saying things I didn't mean, hurting an important person for me. Doing these things, I understood that what I thought was right, wasn't necessarily the right solution and that people more than being protected, they only need a vote of confidence and someone who fights with them.

I discovered that a person can continue believing in you, even if you have hurt them and you break their trust. I also felt the fear of losing something precious... in spite of all those things it was a moment in which I grew a lot and saw firsthand how much you all do to support us and before I was very grateful, but now I admire you. Much more.

All this led me to the conclusion that I should apologize for what happened with Hana. And even if I don't give you more explanations for what happened, you should know that I felt everything that was happening in the deepest way possible and I had a bad time because of that. I apologize to everyone who was affected. To Ha Neul's fans, I apologize to you, just as I apologized to her for all the bad times Hana and I could have caused you all. Things are where they should be now and I'm happy about that. To all those people who cared, thanks for the support. By the way, I will give you good news soon, I hope you are happy for me.

I translated the message in English and sent it so that others could translate it into the respective languages ​​that each group had. When I finished, I just kept thinking about the good news. What the hell was he talking about? The mixtape itself was a surprise, nobody expected it... I included in the people. He had that secret well-guarded until the end. The sound of the door opening pulled me out of my thoughts. I poked my head out to see Ravi in ​​the doorway, removing his shoes. He had a bag in his hand and I asked myself what he was carrying there.

-Surprise -He said smiling.

-It is definitely a surprise -I didn't know that he was coming-. A very pleasant one.

-I ran away from work to see how you were doing and bring you some food -I gave him a welcome kiss.

-You're so cute.

-Don't tell anyone -I laughed.

-All your fans already know it. You're the most serious and killer person on the stage, but when you get down from there you're just like a teddy bear. Tender and fluffy -He cleared his throat a little uncomfortable. You see, this man was a gentle one.

-How is your foot?

-Is that what you came to know? -Ravi nodded-. You could have called me and asked.

-I wanted to see you -He said as if this were the most obvious truth.

-N is going to kill you -Ravi smiled.

-Surely -He went to put the food on the table.

-My foot is fine -No swelling but still annoying a bit. Putting on heels was going to be hell in the next few days.

-I'm glad it's not something worst.

-We are two -Then I remembered what he was talking about in the message-. By the way, what were you talking about in the fancafe message?

-It's a secret -He said in a mysterious way.

-Can't I even know? -He shook his head vehemently.

-You'll find out, but it's still not the time -I grimaced. I didn't like to wait.

-Do you know that you are killing me slowly? -He buffed.

-You should consider the dramas or return to the musical -I almost laughed.

-So, if I had to kiss someone would you be okay with that? -I scoffed.

-Forget what I said -He kissed my forehead quickly-. I must get back to work. I'll call you later.

-We must work with your jealousy -I shouted from the kitchen.

-Is not jealousy, but caution -I burst out laughing-. I'll go now.

-Be careful -I peeked into the hall to watch him-. Ravi?

-Ah? -I walked to him and kissed him deeply.

-I love you -He smiled shyly.

-Ahh, you don't know how happy I am -He kissed me again-. I must go -A kiss-. I have to go now -One more-. I'm leaving -Another kiss.

-It's not because I want you to leave, but because I don't want you to die at the hands of your brothers that's why I let you go. See you another time -He nodded and kissed me goodbye again.

Very animated, I went back to the kitchen to see what he had brought me. It wasn't until the moment my nose hit the smell that my stomach began to roar as if I had not eaten in years. I was hungry. I took a seat, with a big smile. I was spoiled by the best man on the face of the earth... what more could I ask for?

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