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Seeing those presentations and interviews from the audience was a blessing. We all know that they are majestic, but the energy they impart was embracing. This time, instead of taking pictures with the camera I did with the mobile. It was easier to send them later.

-How was it? -Hongbin asked me in the dressing room. I gave him a bottle of water.

-What can I say? It was great the presentation -Then I remembered the interview and said: -. You really like to annoy N. Poor man!

-At least someone understands! -Applauded the leader. The rest laughed, Hyuk added:

-It's part of our job.

-I admire you N, you are almost a Zen -They really loved to tease their leader, but we are all clear that N was not at all a saint. He would always get back at them in a way later.

Each of them took care of changing their clothes. They were tired and hungry. They did eat! But they have been going to different places for presentations and interviews all day. We had left very early in the morning, it was already night and now it was that they finished with all their agenda. Next was the war of what they wanted to eat. It was funny how they played stone, paper and scissors to choose to eat. After a while, Hyuk came out victorious and a chorus of disappointment followed him to victory. I watched them from a corner enjoying it. This was so entertaining.

Shortly after, we were heading to the place. They celebrated the arrival and ordered. I didn't know what the hell I was going to eat, so they set out to choose what food I could eat and promised to give me a taste of what they had ordered. Their faces flashed when the food finally reached the table. The little demons, true to their word, let me try their dish. Except Leo, he looked as if he would rip my hand off if I even tried. I finished eating very soon because I asked them to order a small dish. While they were talking and laughing, I dedicated myself to writing the blog for the photos. Even after getting into the van, I kept writing.

-What are you doing? -Ken asked, sitting next to me this time.

-The blog of today's activity.

-You do that all the time? -I arched an eyebrow because he really asked liked it was the strangest thing in the world.

-Yes. Each person is in charge of making the blog of what they see in their moment of watching the news. If any Starlight from my team went to an activity of yours, that starlight is in charge of blogging what happened in the activity. And since I am live in most of them, I have more blogs to do.

-Do you translate them all? -The others also seemed curious because they suddenly stopped talking.

-It depends if I'm too busy. There are days when yes, I translate them to all the languages ​​that I know. Other days, like today, I will only do it in English and I will send it to the translation staff so they will do the rest. Then it will arrive to those who are in charge of uploading the information, but it is if they didn't do it themselves in the first instance.

-How many languages ​​do you know? -I grimaced because I normally did not like to say how many I spoke because it made me sound like a smart-ass.

-A lot -I just said. Thank the Gods that Ken did not insist on knowing what many meant.

-How did the page was created? -I put the cell phone aside because the conversation seemed to go on for long.

- The page I created it, after a year of your debut. I started alone, making reactions to your songs and other things. Seeing that more Starlights were joining, and that they didn't know Spanish, I decided to do the blogs in English too. After a while joined my best friend who helped me with the page and I could add another language because I left the English translation to her. It was adding people to the project and so far... It's a fanbase that follows you in every language we can -Ken paused for a moment.

-It's a huge job.

-I like to do it. I have a lot of fun, but I will not deny that I am enslaved to the computer -I laughed-. You work hard for us, we work hard for you.

-We knew, but it's not the same to see him up close -Leo spoke.

-That yours Starlights live for you? –I giggled-. And that's only the Starlights of some countries you have known, if you could see how many follows in other places that you haven't visit, you would be totally surprised. We love you unconditionally. Even if it is frustrating to know that we may never know you -There was silence.

-How was it for you? -N spoke as calmly as the night.

-The truth? Like any fan who would never know their idols. Difficult, frustrating and sad, but with everything and that, there was always hope. One maybe. I wanted to stop following you many times, I was angry because I could not even wait for an answer to something I wrote you anywhere. Not for you, but because we did not speak the same language. Of all the languages ​​I knew, Korean was not one of them. So I dedicated myself to learn it so that I could write you and luckily you guys would answer me someday.

-Did you learn for us? -Hyuk was looking at me.

-Yes. There are many who did and are doing the same. You change the lives of people who listen to you, give them hope, and company. It is incredible what you do, I present it all the time because I am among the masses. That's why I'm so proud of you all and the reason I've always been with you for more times than I wanted to resign -When did this become a deep conversation between VIXX and Strarlight?-. Okay, now! Let's lift those spirits. Do not blame yourself for not being able to go to those countries, but remember that they exist. I think that recognition deserves it. If it suits you, then we can work something for those fans that are not even on your radar -At the moment, the mood changes completely.

-What can we do? -Ravi asked, who had been silent all this time.

-I have no idea -I said sincerely-. A message, maybe? I do not know, that's what comes to my mind right now. Let me think about it and I'll tell you.

-We'll think about it and talk about it -Hongbin said.

-Ok. Sounds great.

-Thank you for what you do -N sounded like every leader he is-. You make us more accessible to our Starlights that matters a lot -I smiled openly because I never expected to hear a thanks from him.

-I'm not the only one who connects, there are many who do, too -I said, trying to take the matter seriously-. In addition, there were many other fan bases. You have nothing to be thankful for, pleasure is all ours.

By that time, we had arrived at the hotel. We got out of the van and stretched. It was late at night, we had dined, and none of us wanted to talk. So we unanimously went to our rooms. Ravi and I were the last.

-I suppose you'd finish writing before bed.

-Exactly -I grinned-. I just missed the last paragraph to close, it will not take me long to finish. Then I will send everything I have. I totally trusted my staff, they will do all the work that is missing.

-I'm really impressed -My smile widened, proud of the work I was doing.

-It's good that I can surprise you -He hid a yawn with his hand. So adorable-. Go to sleep. You worked hard today, you deserve to rest.

-You too, do not lie down late -I raised my right hand.

-I promise. It will take me about half an hour. I'll go to sleep as soon as I finish.

-Rest well.

-You, too. I'll go first -I opened the door and waved goodbye before closing it.

Once inside I dedicated myself to finish what I had started. As I said, I sent it to the staff for translation. Then I went to take a shower that activated all the tiredness. I put the first comfortable I found and crawled as I could to the bed to be consumed by sleep.

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