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After the shock of the last day, I knew how much I worried him. For someone who is afraid of insects, getting into the forest right away was surprising. It wasn't the first time he did it either. He would really do almost anything for me...

I kept watching him while he slept, surely, he stayed up late watching me. I regretted having worried him so much. I decided to get up and make him breakfast to bring it to bed. I moved my foot and discovered that it didn't hurt as much as yesterday. I could put my weight on it though not so much. I limped to the bathroom and while brushing my teeth, I checked the wounds. I thought I was lucky I didn't do anything serious, anyway when Shin Hwa see me again he wasn't going to let me go on vacation alone never ever. Ugh, I hope the wounds go away before we return home.

As I could, I reached the kitchen and saw the bags placed there in a hurry. Then I laughed at myself when I saw my car key next to the bags. I thought I was gone, but the only vehicle available was my car. Ravi had not planned for a moment to leave me here.

I put music on my mobile, I had to play his new mixtape anyway, and I dedicated myself to prepare breakfast with enthusiasm. I felt so happy that it was like floating in the clouds. After a while, I felt arms around my waist and breath in my ear, startling me.

-You shouldn't be forcing your foot -I heard that low voice, which was even deeper because he had just woken up.

-I'm better -I smiled-. Good morning.

-They're the best I've had for a long time -He laughed.

-Did you sleep well?

-After being sure you'd be fine, yes -He was silent-. That smells great.

-I was going to surprise you by taking it to bed but you got up first.

-I'll go back to bed now. Forget you've seen me here -I laughed out loud. Who can know what this man was thinking?

-For real?

-No, lies. You almost can't walk, I'll not let you take it. I'd better wait for you to finish and I'll take it to bed. Then we can pretend that you have done all the work.

-Lovely man -He kissed me on the shoulder before moving himself aside.

After finish making the breakfast, true to his promise, he took the small tray and together we went back to the room. He put the tray on the nightstand and sat down, beckoning me to sit on the bed.

-Let me see -He said, kneeling in front of me, to verify my injured foot.

-It's better than yesterday -He verified, grateful that the swelling had almost completely subsided.

-Is ok, but don't strain yourself. We don't want it to get worse.

-Are you also a doctor? -I inquired, arching an eyebrow.

-Consider me your doctor and male nurse today -I bit my lip thinking about how provocative that sounded. I moved my head from side to side trying to banish those thoughts away from my head.

Ravi checked the cuts of my arms and looked for the kit to give them second care. Once satisfied with the work, he sat next to me on the bed.

-Say ah -I opened my mouth for him to feed me. He was pampering me and there was nothing better than this-. Did you like the songs? -I could tell he was dying to ask me this question for a long time.

-Do you have to ask? You always surpass your works, creating new great things. It's great to hear you. Every time you announce that you will do something new, I get anxious to know what you will surprise us with this time -He looked at me, delightedly-. What? -I took a sip of juice for doing something, while I was a little embarrassed.

-I suppose I'll never stop loving to hear you so excited when it comes to my work.

-What can I say? I'm your number one fan.

-I know this on firsthand -His cellphone rang, interrupting our conversation-. Hello? -He listened for a moment-. No, we don't need anything -He was silent again-. It's okay, we're waiting for you.

-Who was it? The boys?

-Yes. The road is already passable, they come on the way.

-That's great.

-Your vacation will be complete now.

-You're right.

The boys arrived an hour later. At seeing us together, they visibly relaxed.

-I thought we were going to find someone dead if we left you together. But I see that I was wrong -Leo said. But then they looked at the bruises on my arms and almost lost their heads. I got tired of telling them I was fine, but apparently, they were all like big brothers and there was no way to placate them.

-You will not go to the forest alone again -N seemed to be speaking very seriously.

-Was nothing! Only a slip.

After spending some time explaining that I was fine and wasn't something of care. The boys started to make fun of the other and playing around. It was difficult for me to move, but I had planned everything in such detail that I silently moved to look for what I brought to do evil things.

I began to spray them with cold water, with the water gun toy that I carried. They ran away in terror, fleeing to the cold, and very soon I stopped being able to follow them thanks to my leg. Ken ran next to me.

-I'm ready to continue with your legacy -I laughed at all his knight attitude but I gave him the toy and he ran after the others.

I sat down to watch them run, while they planned how to get the toy. I laughed really hard, happy to have them all together. After making peace with Ravi, which made me feel at home the most was having VIXX with me. If I could define happiness, this would be one of the moments that would be added to the definition.

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