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Faithful to our word we went to the practice room. N and Hongbin argued what ordering to eat while Ken went for bottles of water. We were thirsty. I stayed with Leo, sitting in the middle of the room, in silence.

-Can I ask you a question? -I said at once, after lying on the floor.


-What do you want to do? -He looked at me stunned-. Tell me something you're dying to do -Leo thought for a moment.

-Go to the movies. We can do it, but this time I want no one to notice I'm a singer.

-It must be difficult... -At that moment Ken sat down with us interrupting us and holding out the bottles.

-Do you think Hana will do it this time? -Leo looked at him and smiled.

-That will not happen. Hana is not his style.

-The same way she tried two years ago -Hyuk, who was entering the room, picked up the subject. He sat down beside me, I handed him a bottle. To all these I half understood what was happening.

-They're not talking about Ravi and Hana, are they? -N joined them and looked at them with the disgruntled face.

-Do you want to bet? -Ken was very excited. Hongbin looked interested.

-That will not happen -Leo repeated.

-We do not know. Ravi is fussy about women. Hana is beautiful, talented and intelligent. She is the leader of the company's women's group... and has been trying to be his girlfriend for two years. Maybe it will happen to her at last -Oh, that was the reason I was almost glazed with her eyes minutes ago... And they were right Hana was precious. A typical doll. All that I wouldn't ever be. Suddenly I felt small. What did you expect Lore? Eventually this was going to happen, but not exactly with you. Two completely different worlds, you must remember that. Two planets that spin around the sun, but that will never coincide.

-Are you guys' deaf, really? It won't happen.

-Why are you so sure, Leo? -He shrugged.

-I just know -Hyuk snorted.

-That does not help us at all.

-Ha Neul, I beg you not to bring any of this into the net -I looked at N indignantly. That was too hurtful to conceal with a joke, as I would normally have done. Did he really think that something like this would circulate? Calm down, Lore, you're the new one. It's normal for me to be worried. My rational voice was trying to calm the waters. But it was not working. I was silent, perplexed, looking at him.

- Apologize to her -Leo said at once.

-Why? -He asked, he was really lost in the situation.

-You were rude -Hongbin said. N reacted immediately, realizing.

-Sorry, sorry.

-Do not worry. I understand, you have to protect your group. I'm not going to write anything that is not official. I've never written rumors, only things I know are true -N breathed in relief. Everyone made a commotion again. Leo looked at me; it was a look he knew I was still affected. I gave him a half smile and shrugged. After a while, Ravi is followed by the person who brought the food. As I suggested, he paid the bill. While the others were still stunned.

-Has he really paid the bill? -Hongbin asked.

-Miracles exist -Hyuk looked impressively.

-I'll note this day in the calendar -said N.

-Yes, next year we will commemorate this day as the miracle day -Ken was actually pulling out his cell phone to mark the day-. Did you finally say yes to Hana? That would complete the miracle and I must note it -The look Ravi gave him was officially throws to kill-. I'm just kidding -Ken shrugged and began handing out the sticks to eat.

By then, I was already coming into reality. This was the moment when I understood that my bias was going to be in a relationship sooner than I thought. That reality shock had taken away my desire to eat... I knew that they would not let me go without eating, nor could I stand and leave without being suspicious.

-Hide your dishes please, Leo can stay with them -I said to cut off the tension that settled in the air. Leo laughed, covering his face, and I smiled in an effort not to notice how stunned I was.

Suddenly my cell phone started ringing. I looked at it with dissimulation, as if it were someone's call. But I actually knew it was my alarm. If something had learned that a call could get you out of embarrassing moments so my alarm is set every now and then. As a precaution. It has helped me many times, it helped me now.

-I have to take this call, it's urgent. Eat without me, this will take a while -They nodded.

-You sure do not want us to keep you anything? -N asked.

-No thanks, I'll eat something else -I turned off the cellphone alarm and put it in my ear-. Hello? Yes, she speaks -I stood up-.Wait a moment -I'll look at the boys who will continue to gobble up the food-. See you later -I said goodbye and went out.

Well that was fast. I did not think I was going to meet this situation so soon, really. But I was not surprised either. Ravi with girlfriend... I sighed, put the cellphone in my pocket and went to walk around the company. I wandered while making myself interested in the structure. There was so much in my mind, it ended up being nothing. I walked until I found the piano room. Nobody was using it so I went to sit in front of him.

I played a couple of short melodies I remembered. I did not play piano, only a few melodies, nothing serious. I think it was the only thing I could never learn. I never had the time to learn to play a musical instrument. And sometimes it was heavy, because I loved the piano. But now that was not important. Listening to the notes reassured me a little.

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