Chapter 9

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Off to battle again. It seems like ever since I've met my soulmate, there's been an entire slew of problems to deal with. Years prior to Byrd, my kingdom remained peaceful and out of the drama almost completely. Sure I had tension rising between Sedar and I along with tension rising with Valdus, but I had made deals to keep Sedar at bay and the plan I had against Valdus was surefire.

We ended up setting up camp in the woods before the clearing that stands before the high and mighty fence of the Lost Kingdom. I was leading the charge with my general behind me and other groups with their leaders. We've since added groups to the charge since Bren is throwing all caution to the wind and deciding to fight, he figures that if he is hurt in battle it is his punishment for cheating on Flora. So the groups other than mine are; Bren, Jax, Jax's second, three other guards who proved their worth, and of course my new brother-in-law Cal. Each group has twenty men in it, so we have a force total of one hundred and sixty men which is impressive for a little attack.

We approach the Lost Kingdom gates after hours on horseback. We all had set out before sunrise and now it is midday. We all quickly eat our packed sandwiches and chug down waters. I quickly throw together a speech, "This is for our home! For our families! For the ones we've already lost because of this horrible man! We will bring and restore justice to the land!"

After every sentence the men and some women cheer, "Yeah!"

The stampede of us charge the gates and battle cries ring out from various people in the groups. After easily overpowering the guards at the gates, we run through the streets of the Lost Kingdom. It seems that Cynric has finally received word from our arrival as soon as we get to the front of the castle because an entire mass of his men rush out of his castle doors. The plan didn't involve infiltrating the castle, but if I have a shot at Cynric I am going to take it.

The groups of Jax and his second work together; they are the definition of the strength in numbers tactic. While the three guards all play a very offensive game, constantly striking down the men coming from the gates. Cal and his men are archers so they stay at the back of the pack. Bren has managed to create a ring of fire around our men and slowly pushes it onto the enemy burning millions, his group all gawks in return. We have a strong start, but then again I would expect us to since this is the only attack we've planned

I picked up a new weapon for this battle, an axe. I use my core almost completely to slashing mercilessly through bodies as if they're not people at all. It's so easy to connect and channel my rage from the loss of a son I had just found out about. He ruined her birthday...tarnished it... and I will never forget that.

By the end of the night we retreat for camp. The fighting will continue into tomorrow as scheduled, we really want to hit hard and our numbers allow us to attack again.

Cynric is back on the battlefield the next morning taunting me by morphing in my wife, my parents even, and Raven who temporarily distracts Cal so he ends up taking a spear through the thigh. I slash like crazy trying to cut through the enemy to reach Cynric, but the coward treats into his castle.

Around two in the afternoon the fighting has dwindle down to nothing. Both sides are exhausted and our numbers have been cut into two. With sixty men left, four of our groups have gone down. Jax's second and his entire group has been killed along with the two other guards and even half of the third guard's group and Bren's. I ended saving Bren's ass in battle because I saw a man almost attack him frown behind. On the way back, the sixty of us keep together, Bren and I talk most of the way back and Cal joins in. Jax stays near the back of the group watching for another attack and processing the blow of losing the second person closest to him, I know that Jax has no family left and his second was the closest person to him, he is going to need some time off again.

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