Chapter 10

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Having Raidyn back home was a blessing, whenever he is off to war I'm a nervous wreck. I have no news of battle until they all come home then I find out the deaths, the injuries, the extent of damage. I feel so terrible for Jax and I wish there was something I could do for him, but I know he is gone, he may never be that person again.

I don't know whether to be happy about my father's injury, apart of me wants him to be dead, but another part of me wants him alive so I can carve him up and make it so he bleeds out of his stomach.

As soon as I wake up I spend time in the nursery rocking Hollis in the rocking chair. When Raidyn wakes up he joins me. "Are you making it drizzle, or is he?" I ask looking out the window.

"His energy was basically gone last night, I planned on making it rain for the families of the fallen so this is me, but if he does decide to use his power and join me it's a sure sign of his improvement. Does he seem better to you?"

I frown. "No, his face is still pale." I place my hand on his forehead to feel for a temperature. "His temperature is still there."

"He's not breaking the fever? We've got to grab Duck and head to the healers, Byrd." Raidyn says a bit panicked.

"I already saw Duck the day before you came home. He made Hollis a tonic already, he said it should kick in in a few days." I hold Hollis over my shoulder and rub his back pretty soon he throws up.

"This is not right. Did you make sure you saw the right Duckman? Not another shapeshifter?" He shakes his head.

My breathing automatically picks up. "I-I don't know." My hands are now shaking. "I swear it was Duck. It couldn't of been my father...right?"

"I'm nervous, Byrd. The day before I came home we took a break from the fighting at night, it could've easily been him depending on the time of day you saw him or it could've been a cousin of yours on Cynric's line."

"Oh no. What have I done?" I stand up and head toward the door. "We need to get him to a healer. Bring the tonic--I want them to analyze it for poison."

"I'm grabbing the actual Duckman. I will meet you down there. You need to come up with a code word or signal with him as I have."

I nod my head and speed walk down to the infirmary and quickly hand it to Martha who is standing by. A team of healers join to take care of the prince as I wait in the waiting room a complete mess and throw up still down my back. I fidget with my hands until Raidyn arrived with Duckman.

"So it wasn't you?" My voice cracks as I look up at Duck. "You never gave me a tonic for Hol?"

"I was occupied that night with a woman of was not me, I'm sorry, Queen Byrd." Duck sighs.

"I can't believe I let this happen again." I run my hands through my hair.

"This is not your fault." Raidyn glares at me.

"Yes it is. I was careless letting just anyone help our son during war time. Gods, how could be such an idiot?!" I say in frustration.

Martha comes walking out and I immediately stand from my seat. "King, Queen." She bows. "Prince Hollis has been poisoned. Luckily it is one of the poisons that takes a high amount to destroy ones system, in a couple of days with that 'tonic' he would've been dead. We hooked him up to a machine that'll get the liquid poison out of his system. It'll take a few hours."

"He will make a full recovery, right?" Raidyn grabs my hand.

"We are not sure, King. It has been three days of the poison in his system. We will assess the damage already done when he is feeling better." Martha responds.

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