Chapter 75

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Since the perimeter was so secure the Water Kingdom's soldiers couldn't even get in, let alone come close to one of our children. Business carried on as usual today and I was stuck up with paperwork in the boardroom when I am interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in."

"King Rastifen, there's two people pulling a dead body requesting you." The guard, Talon, announces to me. He's newer and the only familiarity I have with him is slim to none outside when I witnessed him doing with Romina. He wasn't very impressionable.

"Can you identify those people?"

"Romina, a male, and a male's body." Talon nods his head.

"Tell your girlfriend to get out. She's not welcome here." I growl out with my voice low. My blood boiling at the mention of her name.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, she is not my girlfriend, and the body she is carrying is a man from our kingdom."

I sigh and rub at my forehead, "I'll be right down." I finish up the paper I'm working on and set the packet of not yet rummaged through and read over aside.

Romina is in terrible condition and so is Hansen who is alongside her. The body is so bloody I can't detect the face, but that uniform, I would know that uniform anywhere. "You killed James?! What is this?! Another message from Creylia?!"

Hansen shakes his head. "We didn't kill him. Creylia did, Romina and I both escaped her. We came here to bring his body back to his family."

"I am sure his wife and kids will appreciate it." My voice wavering and weak as I try to take in the loss and deep sadness I'm feeling. James was reliable, a phenomenal spy, and now....he's gone. A member of my court gone, a missing seat. I was wondering why James hadn't returned in so long, but I never thought this.

"We are sorry, Raidyn." Romina says softly. "But we need your help now."

"With what?" I gasp, barely able to keep it together and respond. I shake my head, "What can I do for you now?"

"Creylia, she has my family. Please King Raidyn, I've been tortured by both Cynric and her trying to get information to you. We can help you in return for you helping us." Hansen takes a step toward me.

"You want me to do what exactly?" I feel sick to my stomach staring at James's brutally beat up body. He looks as if he was mauled.

"Help us kill Creylia."

"My kingdom needs a new ruler." Hansen adds.

"I am already going to do that." I snap at Romina.

"You need our help." Romina crosses her arms. "We know her spies, her plans, everything."

"You want us to ally together?"

"Yes." They both say at the same time.

"You two are working together? How? How did this happen?" I point back and forth between their bodies.

"When you sent me to spy I ended up back with Creylia, I was her right her man, she wanted me as her lover...I watch her torture her soldiers, her prisoners, she's completely out of her mind. Her plans, her letters...I don't even know why she's doing what she's doing anymore. You may see me as a bad guy but even I don't want to see that kingdom under her rule anymore." Romina explains.

"And your family? Why didn't you break them out?" I run a hand through my hair and ignore Romina to talk to Hansen.

"They are heavily guarded, I'm not even able to see them." Hansen replies. "I've tried everything."

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