Chapter 16

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It's been a week since my injury and I couldn't be any more miserable then I am. Raidyn has been doing his best to keep me company and happy, but it doesn't feel the same. Being in this drab white room barely able to move or play with my boys is devastating. I've been getting a lot of visits from people, especially Leona, Astrid and Finn. The alliances our kingdom has made have come a few days ago so we have been entertaining and making them feel at home--well I haven't. We have gotten more men from the three overseas kingdom and from what I hear Bren and Flora are coming to visit with some of their men.

The boys slept with me tonight and I'm surprised by how comfortable they seem to be. Hollis is under my bad arm and it feels terrible because all I want to do is grab him and hold me close to him, but there is absolutely no feeling in my hand. Riesner is laying under my good arm and I use my hand to place it on his chest and cuddle up further with him. They both look so peaceful when they're sleeping. I glance over at Raidyn who is sleeping in the chair, I know he will be up soon considering he doesn't sleep for long either. I occasionally see the blue energy go down his arms in bursts. It's torturing not being able to touch him, I mean I'm glad I can lay and snuggle with my babies--well to an extent, but it's killing me not being with him. I want Raidyn to run his hand down my body giving me little shocks. I want to pull him in for a passionate kiss and have his lips trail off and down to my neck. I want to run my hand up his shirt to just feel and marvel at the strength and perfection of his body. I want him. I need him.

Leona and Duck are finally confident about the nerve healing tonic they made. Which means my surgery is a-go. I take Duck and Leona's tonic first and then Ylonda--one of the younger healers preps me in one of the infirmary gowns and plastic hair cover-up. I kiss all three of my boys, and am then wheeled away to the surgery room where I am put under a strong tonic that puts me to sleep, and makes me unable to the feel any pain during the surgery. I've only been under surgery once and even then it was like a panic attack. I was seven and my appendix was near to bursting and the healers in Craylle had to take it out. A simple surgery I was told, but I was scared to death. Getting my eyes done violet was like surgery to me, only I wasn't under a tonic. I was awake for it all and all its pain. This was just after a year of living under Valdus so I was petrified of what these healers were going to do to me. I was young, naive, and scared. I was abused for fourteen years of course surgery was going to scare me.

I calm myself down by thinking of where I am, my home, the Central Kingdom. Raidyn is in the infirmary with me, he's not in the room but he is close by and I know he won't let anything to happen to me, well anything that is in his power. I take a deep breath and think of my sons and that is the last thing I remember thinking of. I'm not sure if I dreamed or not or what really went on the entire surgery, but I know I pictured my life, my future, one where I have a young daughter on my hip and her brothers are play fighting, one of them the next king and the other a strong force that is not to be reckoned with. Two brothers so close in age who will protect their little sibling no matter what. A family that Raidyn and I will raise for as long as we can and how I pray to the gods my child don't have to experience what Raidyn and Raven went through by losing parents at such a young age. Or having them go through what I went through by them being kidnapped and forced to forget all they know and love.

When I wake up I am groggy and I barely know what is going on or where I am until my eyes come into focus to see Hollis and Ries both in Raidyn's arms. I blink a few times to make my vision come in my clear. I'm scared to move my back, I notice it's sore, but I can feel my legs and feet. Before I could barely feel either, but I feel, normal--aside from the blaring pain of my back but I think that's just due to the surgery and the discs now being healed.

I smile and close my eyes still feeling exhausted. "I think it worked."

"I knew it." I hear Duck say cockily and I know Leona probably elbowed him in the gut.

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