Chapter 8

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The convention was successful and all the scholars went back to their respective kingdoms. The kings and queens, and princess and prince had stayed to tie up some loose ends with the new alliance. It was nice not to have our castle filled with so many people, I missed the quiet and the echoes in the hallways.

I wake up in a chipper mood as I hop out of bed and into the nursery to grab Ries. "Happy birthday baby boy." I pick him up and shower him with kisses. Hollis stirs in his crib and I pick him up and bring the two boys into the chambers next door. I set Hollis in his crib in our chamber near the window and then I plop Ries on Raidyn. "Who's that? Is your daddy sleeping?" I coo.

Ries crawls over Raidyn and grabs at his hair and face. "Dada."

"Yes. I'm up." He grumbles.

I sit at the edge of the bed and watch as Ries stands on the mattress and uses his father's body to hold him steady. "Dada! Dada! Dada!" He screeches.

"Come on, Dada, we got a birthday breakfast for the Prince downstairs." I rub his leg.

"The prince? Well in that case." Raidyn moves his arms and knocks Ries off his feet and onto the bed. Raidyn moves his body over Ries's and starts to play with him, stopping him from getting away and tickling him.

I walk over to Raidyn's wardrobe and pick out a nice outfit laying it on the bed for him to change into. I grab my own dress and begin to change into. I put my hair back into a braid and top my head off with my favorite crown. I had Ries's tiny suit hanging up in the doorway considering I just had the tailor make it last night. "I got the perfect suits for the boys to wear." I pick up Hollis. "Get ready boys. Mom laid out your clothes." I point. "I don't want anyone being late. Piérre has gotten everything ready."

"Mom is a party pooper." Raidyn complains getting up to get himself and Ries dressed.

"Mom is most certainly not. Don't spread such lies." I growl and smirk.

"Then let us play!" He jokingly demands.

"We have all day to play." I say as I walk toward the door and into the nursery to get Hollis dressed. When I finish I set him at my hip and meet Raidyn and Ries in the hallway. "So handsome, I love the suit." I rub my hand up and down Ries's chest.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment for the both of us." Raidyn smiles. "Wow, I can't believe his first birthday is already here."

We walk downstairs and into the kitchen where the maids and cooks are all waiting to see their Prince. "Happy birthday!" They all shout. Pierré brings out a large cake that is blue and has three tiers. It's says Happy Birthday Prince Riesner. Along with a bowl of applesauce on the table.

Raidyn and I sit down in front of the cake. Ries has his arms on the table and is standing on Raidyn's lap. He slams his fist on the table and reaches for the cake taking a huge chunk out of it.

"Ries come on, blow out your candles." I grab his arm. There's one large candle sitting on the top of the cake.

"Someone's got to lift him." Raidyn comments. "I'm guessing that should be me." He smirks.

I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Yes, it should be." I stand and bounce Hollis in my grasp as I watch Raidyn hoist Ries up. Ries just stares at the candle and reaches for it. He ends up turning invisible in Raidyn's arms.

"Nope, not so fast, little man. You're not fireproof." Raidyn steps back holding seemingly nothing.

All you can hear is Ries laughing and he turns back to himself. He looks over at Cristi. "Able-sos."

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