Chapter 63

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"Breakfast is served." I drop the metal tray at the side of Romina's cot and walk back as she stirs awake. I hurriedly close back up her cell.

"It looks just as delicious as you Raidyn." She winks.

"It's a shame I can't say the same about you. You really are starting to wreak, I'll have guard ecort you to the bathing chamber down here as soon as you eat up. You need fresh clothes too."

"Are you going to bath me, King Raidyn?" She bats her eyes. "At least now I get to look all pretty for my new boyfriend." She blows a kiss to Eilo.

"Am I ever getting out of here?" Eilo groans.

"No, I will not be bathing you. You're lucky I bring you food and visit you at all. You're already too privileged." I purposely ignore Eilo.

"Come on Raid, kinky dungeon sex has always been our thing." She pouts. "Unlock the door again, I'm up now to play."

"I'm married. Thankfully, our time has come and gone."

"I know what else I want to come..." She smirks.

"In your dreams, dear." I croon back.

"Where is Donovan, he said I'd be out soon." Eilo comments.

"Byrd gave Donovan the authority, but the guards probably didn't believe he was actually granted the permission." I explain to him. "I could let you go," I dangle the key from my finger, "but first I need some answers."

"I gave you and Byrd answers. Just let me go." Eilo huffs.

"Your answers were subpar and not good enough for me. I want the full story. I believe you're a good guy, or at least I thought you were and Donovan does too enough to have been very confused and then vouch for your character himself. I want the whole truth, not just the part I manipulated out of you."

"It's a long boring story I'm sure no one wants to hear. Just let me go and I won't bother Byrd, it's simple."

"You have one choice, you tell me and get out of here, or you don't tell me and I let you rot- friends or not."

"Like you'll believe me..." Eilo scoffs. "And what if my answer is as simple as I just wanted to fuck her?"

"Is rape okay?"

"No, but you don't understand." He crosses his arms and slumps his shoulders.

"Molestation isn't any better." I mimic and cross my own shoulders, but I lean back.

"I didn't expect that to happen. I didn't expect for anything like that to happen, I thought I was different."

"Explain your story to me, if you allow me to manipulate it all out of you, I will believe every word. No one alive is able to not fall under my manipulation."

"This information is only going to crush your wife more, but fine go ahead." He looks up into my eyes.

"I need the truth." I sigh and blink my eyes into place, entrancing him. "I want you to tell me the full truth. Why did you molest my wife? How did it happen? I want all details, none spared."

"King Valdus always set out to hurt his children of magic, all in different ways. When Byrd turned fifteen something changed, something just happened, every man in the castle was mad for her, every lord, every guard. As she got older it got worse and competitions went on to see who could go the furthest, no one ever got far. She was so hard to get, it only made everyone want her more. By the time Byrd was sixteen Valdus started to play this game with us, he offered rewards to see who could break Byrd, who could force her to go the furthest. So he started assigning bogus missions for Byrd to spy on us guards. You know how it was her job to play the role of call girl and get information, Valdus made her do it that way to give us some action and get us a step closer to taking her. It was all a lie, well I shouldn't say all, but half of her missions were just ways to get her to rub up against us and have her suck our dicks, or to fuck her, whichever one. The other guards of the army had started rumors about my time with Donovan and I was determined to prove to them that the most beautiful girl in the kingdom was going to have sex with me. I took her out to eat, paid for the meal, and even introduced her to a few of my friends just to rub it in their faces. When I brought her back to my quarters I was so enthralled by her, so turned on I couldn't stop...I didn't want to stop, gods I wanted her so bad and I did...I did what I did and then a friend of mine purposely interrupted before I could actually rape her. I wasn't the only one Raidyn, many of us have tried, I've seen Byrd shaked a few times, other times I've seen her she had bruises. Valdus always gave reward to those who put Byrd in that state. Donovan knew of his plan too, just like all the lords and men of his army. I promise you when I say I wasn't the worst, I was just one of the first."

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