Chapter 25

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After visiting my boys I decide to head over to Raven's nursery and visit her three little ones. With is war going on, I feel cautious of the dangers surrounding us all and I would hate for anything to happen to these babies, it would crush Raven's spirit forever.

When I walk in Duck is already there holding tiny, little Char.

"So you've finally been granted the permission?" I smile.

"Yeah, it's only taken me days to get to this place. I don't think she's told Cal yet. I think she's going to wait until the very last minute." Duck shakes his head.

"She's so precious, could you imagine losing her as your daughter? I don't think he's going to take it well."

Duck frowns. "No, he's not, but he's still the father of the boys. I'm just so in love with her that I don't care about his feelings." He kisses the top of her head.

"Just as Cal was with Raven and your feelings." I point out.

"Exactly." He looks up at me. " first I was kind of scared, nervous, now holding her in my arms I don't ever want to let go."

"I still have the same feeling with my sons. I don't think it'll ever go away."

"I'm glad she's mine."

Cal walks into the room and is immediately alarmed seeing Duck holding Charlett. "Get your hands off of my daughter! Why are you in here? Who let you?"

"Raven did and if you have a problem take it up with her." Duck protectively holds Charlett close to his body.

"No. I'm going to take it up with you. Why are you holding my daughter?" Cal stubbornly replies.

"Because she is my daughter!" Duck blurts out. And the truth has finally come out.

"No! She isn't. Have you gone mad, scholar? You can't have children!" Cal growls.

"Apparently you are too dumb and blind to realize, farmer. I have the paternity test to prove she is mine." Duck stands his ground raising his chin.

"W-where?! I want to see it." Cal crosses his arms over his chest.

Duck walks over to one of the end tables and opens the drawer pulling out a piece of paper and shoving it against Cal's chest. "Here. Read it and weep."

Cal skims it over with his eyes. "You made this up! This is faked and forged! Those are my sons and she is my daughter!"

"Yes, they are your sons but Char is mine. Raidyn, Byrd, and Raven are all my witnesses, the healer did this test, not me. It's real."

"No. No! It can't be. This is a lie. She's my little girl. Raven- Raven...I need to go speak with Raven." Cal looks wild and almost desperate.

"Go right ahead. She's in her chambers sleeping." Duck sits down in the rocking chair and soothes Charlett.

"I know where my own wife is." Cal snarls. "Can you ever just leave me and my family alone? You make me really regret saving you. Raven was already pregnant when you came back."

Duck shrugs and returns his focus to his daughter. "No, I can't because now it's my family too. I don't need to explain myself to you farmer, go talk to Raven to hear the truth--the truth I just told you."

Cal looks wide eyed from Duck to me and back again before storming out of the door. I have been too shocked to say anything about the situation in the past couple days. I feel bad for Raven, she is out of her mind exhausted and now this news when she had so much trouble deciding between the two men. Now, no matter what, one of her children will be illegitimate. Her poor daughter will have a rougher life than the other two, although with our connections it will be easy to find her a suitor when the time comes. I'm not sure how Cal and Duck will move past their rivalry, I hope one day that they can get to being friends, but as long as Duck loves Raven I can't see that happening. I, myself, could never be friends with another man deeply in love with my wife- just the thought pisses me off.

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