The Boy

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Me and Mal had to rush home because it was 8:50 and we needed to be home at 9.
We run to the house and it was just 9:00."Phew!" We both say .

Mal:"See you tomorrow (Y/N)."

(Y/N):"Yup, and we are going to go meet that boy!" I say while going into my room. I shower... (hmm... do you think they have showers on the Isle? Nvm back to the story pls!)... then quickly get into my pajamas and go to sleep.

Xx The Next Morning xX

I hear banging on my door.

Mal:(Y/N)!(Y/N), get up or you don't get to meet that boy!!"

(Y/N):"Hang on let me get dressed!!" I shout.

I get dressed an put on this...

I get dressed an put on this

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And did my hair like this...

(In your color of hair or what ever hair color you want it to be :P)

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(In your color of hair or what ever hair color you want it to be :P)

I walk out the room, run downstairs, take Mal's hand, and run outside."Okay Mal, let's go!" I say as we make it outside

Mal:"(Y/N) chill! We will go but don't make a scene!" She says while trying to hold me back.

(Y/N):"UGGHH!! Fine but let's go! I want to make a friend!" I say with a smile on my face.

Mal:"Ok well fine... let's go." She said with a :| face. (idk how to describe that face)

We walk and talk about things that have happened to us like for example Mal said that put mom had something to say to everyone but me.

We walk down to see where we see the boy. I pointed to a weird shop." What's that place, 'Ursula's Fish and Chips'"I read the sign above the door."We should go check it out!" I say tugging her arm." Okay but be ca-" she gets cut off by the boy. He had tried to bump into us but I moved Mal before he could. He then stoped next to us, "Nice reaction skills." He said looking up to me with a grin and walked on.

"Wait!" I say before he gets to far, " can I get a name?" He then stoped, turned, and grind. He walked closer to me and Mal and brushed through my hair with his hook."The names Harry, Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook." He turned," You should come to the fish and chip shop sometime! For, now bye~" he said mischievously.

Me and Mal just turn to look at each other." Well... he was... interesting..." I say to her "Yeah... well... umm... we met him... got anyone else you want to meet?" She asked sarcastically. "Nope! Wanna go back and hangout with the others?" I ask with a small smile. "Want to?" She said happily. "Sure." I nodded.

"Yes!" She said as we walked away to go meet up with them.

(Harry's P.O.V) (anyone see that comin)

As I keep walking to the fish and chip shop. I turn back to see the two talking. I grin then keep walking back to the shop to see the others.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Mal and I keep walking to go see Jay, Carlos, and Evie. I hear some footsteps coming up behind us. I turn around to see Jay and Carlos coming up to scare us with Evie walking not to far behind."Dang it!" Jay and Carlos say because their plans failed. We all laugh at them.

"So... are we all going to hang out now?" I ask them." Heck yes!" They all say. "Okay well, let's go somewhere cool." I say. "Okay well let's go near the water! So we can all look out at the ocean." Evie suggested." Okay let's go look out at all the kings and queens who live in Auradon." Mal says. We all walk to the ocean diving the Isle and Auradon.

We walk there and just sit and talk for a while it's was so amazing.
WOW REALLY?? This book was 666 words long XD I'm dying. If I spell anything wrong please tell me because Auradon is a VERY strange word and I have no idea if I spelled it right... well anyway I hope my children enjoyed this :) I'm trying to keep it as innocent as possible( because this is a Disney movie but if I can't hold back trust me I will do something in this book >:3 well have a good day everyone!! Also if it was difficult to tell this it before Mal goes to Auradon :) just wanted to make that clear. Wait did I add that in the description... idk have a good day though <3

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