Its our Little Secret (Featuring Fries!)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Why all the blush, (Y/N)?" Uma looked at me with a smirk. Harry looked at me making the, 'do I tell?' face. I shook my head and said nothing.

"Where were you two, hmm? Me and Gil were waiting here for like 10 minutes." Uma said her smirk fading slowly. "She took my hook and ran off with it." Harry said with a sigh I nodded. "Wow really? (Y/N) was brave enough to take it from you?" Uma said surprised

"Well Harry wanted to in-screw some of the chairs and I didn't want him to. He said he would give me his hook and he would do two chairs. He asked for it back and that's when I ran." I said to her she nodded. "Well I'm surprised that are newcomer we brave enough to run away.

"Yeah, she was so brace she teased me with it." Harry said with a sigh. "WOW! (Y/N) I didn't think someone so young would stand up to a captain's son! Very brave." Uma said patting me on the head.

We all went inside and then the place had people in it. 'It looks so different when empty... and a lot quieter.' I thought to my self. I walk around the table and sit on a chair Uma did the same. Harry moved someone over and jumped on the table. 'Like. Why? It's so easy to just WALK AROUND THE TABLE!' I thought to myself.

"Uma! Come wash the dishes and serve food!" Uma's mom yelled from the back. "Gotta go guys. Bye." Uma said with a sigh.

Harry sat next to me and we talked and laughed about random stuff. He scoots closer to me just a little. I blush slightly. He didn't get to close.

He was moving his hand and his hook around as he spoke. I looked at his hook every once and a while because I wanted to take it again. Don't ask why.

During our conversation Uma comes up with a bag of fries. I quickly snatch them and nibble them looking away from Harry, not letting him have any.

"(Y/Nnnnn) pleaseee just one or two." Harry asked trying to act innocent while trying to snatch the bag out of my hands.
"Nuuu... my fries..." I said keeping the bag as far away from him as possible. He then grabbed the bag and ate some of the food.

"Harryyy...." I pouted, " give the bag back... Uma got it for me you doof..." he slid it back and I grabbed the bag and did the same as before.

"You little fri eating fatty." Harry teased. "Well at lead I don't STEEL people's fries you fri steeler." I teased back. He grabbed another fri. That fri he took. Was the last one. I got pretty angry.

"Harrrryy." I growled. "What are you going to do," he paused,"kitten?" He said. "THATS IT!" I yell taking his hook and booking it out the shop.

I heard Harry yell and start chasing me.
Before he could see I jumped up to a high place hoping he wouldn't look up and think I was still running. He did, he kept running and when I saw him turn the corner I jump down and run back to the shop.

I get there and ask Uma for more fries and she gives me some and I start to nibble on them taking my time eating them one bye one.

A few moments later I hear Harry walk in and walk up to me. I quickly hid his hook and my fries. He got to me and asked, "you are going to tell me where my hook is or I tell Uma to never and I mean NEVER give you fries again." I threw the hook at him quickly.

"Take the hook... just not my fries... please." I said. He nodded and grind.

He sat down again and I secretly ate another fri.

"Give me one." He said noticing that I had them."Ugh fine..." I said in defeat. I put the bag on the table and Harry ate some. "If you ever take away my fries... I WILL burn your hook in a fire you got it Harry?" I said looking in his eyes. He quickly nodded and he ate my last fri... again...

We all walked home. "If you tell anyone and I mean anyone. You will say bye-bye to that hook... okay?" He smirked and nodded. "Aww but what if we do it again?" He asked. I blushed and went to me and Uma's room and screamed into a pillow blushing like crazy
[780 words]
I'm going to be honest I was hungry marking this and so... yeahhh... also THANK YOU FOR 5K FLIPPING READS LIKE WHAT???!!! Well I hope you enjoyed you being smart and eating fries... don't dream about Harry~ dear (Y/N)
"SHUT UP!!!" (Y/N) says blushing like crazy. "Nope~ I know you already dream about him don't you?~" I say with grin. "SHUT UP IMMA GET READY FOR THE NEXT CHAPER EVEN THOUGH ITS TOMORROW!!" She yells blushing.
Well my beautiful babies I will see you guys sooooon bye!!!

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