The Date

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(Y/N)'s P.O. V

He wanted ME to go on a DATE with HIM. It just repeated in my head. I jumped down from where I was landing on my feet and walked over to him. "So... kitty." He said with a smirk. "Don't call me kitty. I'm not a cat." I said with a pout.

"Fine I won't... (Y/N)."he paused, "So? Date? With me? Yes or no?" He asked coming closer to me. "Sure." I said with a nod. "Well then let's go!" He said while grabbing my hand and taking me to a high spot where we could look over the ocean.

"Wow Harry. I wasn't expecting this!" I said surprised. "Well... I kinda want my hook back." He said with a grin. I smirked and jumped to the roof of where we were.

"Give me my hook. We had an agreement. I'll take you on a date and you give back the hook!" He yelled at me. "Hmmm... do I care? Nope! Come get it Harry!" I yelled teasing him.

"Ok. Fine. I will. He said climbing up. I went to the far side of the roof and jumped down and hid. "(Y/N) where are you!?" He asked annoyed. I got out my hiding spot because he passed it up.

"Over here~" I say and he turns and starts to run. "Ughhh (Y/N)!" He yells while coming to get me.

I get to a dead end and there was no place to go or hide. "Awww.... little kitten is lost?~" Harry asked with a fake pout. "Hand it over~" Harry said because he won he had his smirk all over his face.

"Fine." I said giving it back. He took it and I looked away in anger. I felt something wrap around my waist. It was Harry's arms. I blushed like crazy. "We're still on a date... right?" Harry whispered into my ear and that just made me blush even more.

"Aren't we?" He whispered more into my ear. I nodded while being red."okay good" Harry said putting his arm around me and walked me somewhere. I was still blushing. I looked down to try to hide it.

"No need to hide it (Y/N)." Harry said and I looked up. 'How did he know?' I thought to myself.

We got back to where we were before. He sat down and patted where I should sit. I sat next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "We might have to go back soon." I say quietly trying not to let him hear me so I could say I told him without lying.

"I know." He said just as quite. I looked in his eyes and a smirk got onto my face. I took his hook but this time I didn't want to run. "Really? I thought we were done with this (Y/N)..." he said with a pout. I smiled and walked up to him.

"Are you giving it back easily?" He asked with a wide smile. I paused. "Maybe..." I said. He tried to take it from me but I didn't let that happen. No, not that easily.

"Ugh..." he groaned. "What do I need to do to get my hook back?" I thought about it and I looked up at him and said, "__________________"

•Please read•
Yup. You can decide what your character says here. Put what you want into the comments and I'll choose. Don't worry if you don't get hat you want because this may be a thing that I want to put in to let you guys do some things so I don't have to make this up all alone. Sorry for the VERY late chapter I took a nap yup won't be able to sleep tonight. Well good night~
This story was 556 words

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