Frinds with Ben

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Ben's P.O.V wow that's new!

I hear cheers and stuff up stairs. "(Y/N)? Did you hear those screams?" I ask. She turns and nodded, "Ben I am very sorry. I think that may be Mal coming to try to get you. Uma won't let that happen, so I'm warning you now, you may have to stay here over night." She said looking down at me. I nod. "Just tell me what happens. Please, (Y/N)?" I ask sadly. She nods and walks up the steps. 'Man... what's going to happen... what am I going to do... I need to get out.' I think.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I walk upstairs and hide behind a corner looking into where the cheers were coming from. I see Mal and Uma. Arm wrestling? I listen and watch to see who will win. I don't hear all of what Uma said though.

"You can put a crown on a villain, but you're still a villain." Uma said trying to make Mal slip, but she doesn't. "And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still shrimpy" Mal said with a fake gasp. Uma got very angry.

After a few seconds Mal uses her magic to try to win. Uma then said, "If I win. You bring me the wand." She said that made Mal slip and then lose. Uma and the rest of the people in the restaurant cheer. I try to keep silent and see Uma whisper something to Mal which I couldn't hear.

~small time skip until Mal leaves~

I walk down to see Ben looking for a way out. "Hey, Ben, there is no way out you know." I say making him jump a little. "H-Hey! (Y/N)! Don't tell anyone I did this? Please?" He asked worried. "Don't worry, king, you're safe with me take it care of you." I say trying to comfort him. "I got food and water." I say before sliding the food under the bars.

"Thanks (Y/N)." He said right before he started to eat some of the food. "What happened us there?" He asked pointing to the stairs. "Mal came trying to save you but she lost an arm wrestle and now she has to give Uma the wand."

His face went really sad. "R-really? Oh no.." he said worrying. "You know,
(Y/N), I wouldn't mind you coming to Auradon with us if you want." He said smiling. "I-I don't know, Ben. Uma would be so mad and what about Harry and Gil? Can't just leave them here... they aren't as bad as Uma." I say looking down.

"I'll bring Harry and Gil along if you would like, but Uma needs to show that she can be nicer before she can come." He said. My eyes lit up. "I'm going to make a plan with Mal and come back soon. Bye Ben. Be safe." I say leaving with a wave.

'What if we can't do this?'


Hey guyssss!!! Haven't wrote in awhile! How have you guys been~~ sorry. Had a long day but I'm here writhing for you now!! What do you think will happen next chapter? Comment down below

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