Get Ready

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We walk in and Uma runs up to me. "(Y/N)! Now is the time!" She says grabbing my shoulder. "Umm... time for what?" Reese asked. "The time we get that wand and leave this dump." Uma says in a cheerful tone, I tone I don't often hear from Uma.

"Wow! We can leave! I've been waiting for this day!" Reese says in a whisper. I giggle at her actions. "(Y/N) where is Harry?" Uma asks looking around me, probably thinking Harry would be near me. "I don't kn-" "You called?" I was cut off by Harry. "Yeah Harry. Can you help (Y/N) tie up the king and take him to the boat?" Uma asks. He nods and we walk down the stairs to Ben's Cell.

"Ben we are here for you." I say and Ben looks at me then Harry. "Hey (Y/N)... and... Harry." Ben said. "What do you need? OH! Can we finally leave the Isle!?" Ben asks happily. "No, sorry. We have orders from Uma and we need to tie you up and bring you to the boat. Then she will either let you live if we get the wand, or die if we don't... I am so sorry," I say.

Ben looks at me shocked. He then nods. "Okay that's fine with me. As long as you two try and save me. Please?" Ben begs. I quickly nod and look to Harry.

"Ready?" He ask me. I nod and get the rope. "Yeah... let's just get this over with." I say as we quickly tie up Ben.

'Ben I'm so sorry you are in this mess... I feel like it's my fault... we will get out of here. Don't you worry.' I think to myself

[296 words]

GUYS I AM SO SORRY!!!! I feel like I have failed you all!!! I had so many papers and I was so busy and my WIFI and electricity went out and I couldn't write and IM JUST SO SORRRYYYY!!!! But I hope you can all forgive me and I hope you liked it....

{I will try to write some more}

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