The Fight

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Mal's P.O.V

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" I turn to face her."Hello Uma."

She looks at me shocked."Oh? Oh, so NOW you call me by my real name?" I look at her and nod, "Yeah, unless you want me to call you-" I was about to say her nickname but she cut me off.

"No. Don't say it." She said looking me dead in the eye."So, you were the one Harry was talking about?"She said shaking her head. "Well maybe... he did see... someone else with me." I said.

"Oh? Like who? Evie? It can't be Jay or Carlos, Harry said two girls." I shook my head."Nope! You haven't met her. And thank all evil she didn't come with me today."

"Mal! Don't be so mean! You let her meet Harry! So why not me?" She said with a fake pout."Hmm... let me think. Oh! I got it! It's because you are annoying." I said. She looked at me vary annoyed.

"Well, I bet I'll meet her VARY soon."she said and she looked at me with a grin."What makes you think that?" I ask. "Because, Harry is the only one who knows what she looks like... and where do you think he is, Mal?" She said with a wicked grin.

"Well, the thing is, you don't know where she lives..." I say hiding the fact that she is my sister and that I was worried."Doesn't she live with you?" She asked." Nope, and she is not my sister." I lie smoothly... "MmmHmm..."

Xx before the whole fight thing happened xX

Harry's P.O.V

I walk out of the fish and chip shop and look for her. Uma had said that she wanted to meet the two people I had said that I met. Honestly I wanted to see them again too...

Uma had met Mal before and she had mentioned the fact that they were not on good terms. But I had never seen Mal so I didn't know it was her. But I also wanted to see the other again... I don't know what but I feel like.... never mind

I walk around for a wile, and see the most feared villain on the Isle, Maleficent ...and... her. It was the girl I met. What was she with- my thought was cut off by her voice."Harry, hey!" She said as she waved. I walk over to her.

"Hey, it's good to see you again!" She said as I got closer."Yes it's good to see you again to." I said. "You're Hook's son, right?" Maleficent asked. I nodded and asked if the girl and I could go somewhere and she agreed. She walks into the house.

"So, Harry, where are we heading off to?" She asked. "Well we aren't really going anywhere but I just want to chat with you, you know get to know you some more." I said."Why didn't you just say so? Come, follow me." She said as she grabbed my wrist and brought me to a small area where we could chat in peace.

"So I haven't gotten and name." I said to her."Oh! I'm sorry you walked away so fast I didn't even think about it. Well anyway my name is (Y/N)." I nodded."Why were you and Maleficent... just there... together?" I asked and she looked at me with a confused look.

"Because... she is my mom, silly!" She said as she playfully punched my arm. "Owww... I said as I faked pain where she punched me, we both shared a laugh.

"I have another question for you." I said as I stopped laughing."Sure, what is it?" She asked."Well, was that other girl your sister?" She nodded," Mal is my sister." She said in agreement.

I saw Mal walking up to the house looking pretty angry. I turn back to
(Y/N) "I have to go for now bye." I said with a wink and a wave. I snuck passed Mal and walked back to the fish and chip shop to tell Uma the news... but for some reason... I didn't want to...

I got back to the shop and told Uma that I couldn't find her.

Xx after Harry left xX

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I walk up to Mal."Hey, sis, what's wrong?" I ask."It's nothing... but I don't want you to go to that fish and chip shop, okay?" She asked me."Yeah, sure. Wait why?" I ask."Look, (Y/N) just don't." She said and she looked serious about it."O-okay."

I walk upstairs, into my room, changed, and went to sleep. I had a dream... about... Harry?
Hello everyone! I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting but... how was y'all's day? I'm still a bit sick but I'm pushing through! It will most likely be gone tomorrow! Sorry for posting a bit late (again..) buttt I think someone is finding a bit of feelings~ anyway this story (before this paragraph was 787 words long! Anyway I will see you all tomorrow! Bye! 💜

(???) Aww!! Arthur~Chan is that all?! You have never added me in once, like at all!!

Me:What?? Who the heck are you!?

(???)I'm Lucy!!! I'll be writing all the juicy stuff~

Me: uhh... I don't need help thanks.

Lucy: MmmmHmmm... sure... you do what you are doing now and I'll add all that other stuff!! But for now I'm really tired! Good night! And good bye to all of you!!

Me: Umm... yeah... bye...?

I have no idea what I'm doing just thought I would add my friend. No that's not her name. Bye now~~~

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