The Wand

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(Y/N)s P.O.V

Everything went just as Mal planned..... almost

"Hang on, too easy." Uma said not taking the wand. Mal looked at her shocked. "Why don't you take it for a test drive I want to see how it works." Uma said with a grin. "Oh, and not to big or else Ben is fish bait." Uma continued. Mal looked at the rest of her friends and I looked back at Harry.

He was... smiling...?

I looked back at Mal and Uma and saw the Carlos tilted his head towards a dog? Wait, what?

Mal looked back at Uma and smiled. She looked at the dog and said. "Although it's seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." And then she flicked the wand. ....Nothing happened....

"Talk, dog" Mal whispers
"Does this vest make me look fat?" The dog asks. I look at it with wide eyes. The rest of the crew laughed. "Does anyone have any bacon? Cookies?" The dog asks again.

"Give me the wand!" Uma yells.
'It's not fake? Or is it? Or did Mal just do something to the dog beforehand?' I think to myself. "Give me Ben!" Mal shouts. "Harry, (Y/N), bring him over." I nodded to Harry and he pulled Ben along.

"Ooh, um, before you go, tell you mom Gaston says hi and tell you Dad that my dad wishes that he finished off your dad when he had the chance." Gil said. 'Love him like a brother but he is kinda not all there...' I think to myself.

Harry throws Ben to the ground. Uma holds out her hand for the wand and Mal holds out her hand for Ben. "Oh.... Cut him loose (Y/N)." I nod. "Never get to have any fun." Harry whispers. Ben grabs Mal's hand an Mal gives the wand.

"Yes!" Uma yells and goes back on to the ship. Harry grabs my hand and makes me follow him. "We are going to wait until Uma finds out, then leave, okay?" He ask/says in a whisper. I nod.

"By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!" Uma yells and holds the want to the sky. "NO!" She yells again and breaks the wand. "You do not get to win EVERY TIME!" She points to Mal while yelling "Get 'em!" She yells making everyone on the boat run off.

Harry and I take out our swords and nod to each other. "Ready?" He asks. "Yup... but what about Uma and Gil and even Reese. We can take Gil and Reese with us but if we see Uma again she will want to kill us..." I say scared of what might happen next. "We will be fine. Let's go." He grabs my hand as we run past everyone.

'What is going to happen'

Hello! Yay the weekend! How is everyone doing??? What do you think will happen in the next chapter? You guys should also help me out with things like ideas!! I don't know if people read the A/Ns of books and that's the reason I don't want to have a page of just an A/N so please read all of the A/Ns at the end of the chapters because they will be important (mostly) school is taking up a lot of time but I'm trying. Okay bye guys!!!

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