The Kiss

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(Quick AN I love you guys but wow how did I know you all wanted Harry and (YN) to kiss .-. Oh well enjoy~)

(Y/N)'s P.O. V

"A kiss." That's all I said. Then I blushed really bright red thinking of what I had just said and covered my mouth looking away. "A... kiss?" Harry asked with a smirk on his face. I turned around to see him walking closer to me.

I back up slowly every step he took was a step I took back.'I asked for this? Oh no why did I ask for this? I felt my face  warm and he just keeps coming closer.' I thought to myself.

I kept backing up while he took a step closer. He had the biggest smirk I have ever seen on him before. I finally managed to back myself up into a corner. 'Great going (Y/N)! Now you have to do this... well... I did asked for this... I also kinda wanted him to kiss me...' thought to my self and shook the thought out of my head.

I realized that I spaced out for a moment and when I snap back to reality Harry was a few steps away from me. He didn't say anything but just slowly walked up to me with a smirk. I put the hook behind my back so that he couldn't just take it away.

He got to me he pinned me on the wall and smirked. "You know, (Y/N), you could just give me the hook and not have to go through with this." He said trying to make me just give him the hook. I shook my head and blushed while looking down to my feet. "Are you sure? You don't seem like you want this.~" Harry said teasing me. I didn't do anything.

"Ok." He sighed in defeat.
He picked up my chin and brought his lips to mine and we kissed. It was... sweet his lips were so soft. I held on tight as Harry pulled away. He smirked and I looked down blushing like crazy.

I felt him hug me and try to grab his hook. I didn't let that happen." Come on... (Y/N)... we made a deal." He said but I didn't want to give it back... I wanted it. (The hook... just clarifying) "But... Harry..." I said with a pout and crossed his arms looking at him with puppy-dog-eyes.

"No... (Y/N)... put the pout away and the puppy eyes and give me my hook." He said. I sighed and gave it back looking away in anger.

He takes it and I turn around completely  in anger not looking at him at all. He hugged (I find it REALLY concerning that 'hugged' went to huffed.0-0 *cough* back to the story now)me from behind and I felt his breath on my neck. I tense up and look down blushing. "We should go back now. Uma and Gil are probably waiting for us." Harry said. He turned me around and I, of course, was blushing the whole way back

Uma looked at me and Harry with a smirk and I looked down.
"Wow look at you two~ kissing and everything, hmm~~" *you blush.* "where am I??😅" you ask "your mind now good bye." The voice snaps and it went pitch black.

*cough* hello? Over here that was just a little skit :) lol I'm bored this book was 534 words!! I love you guys and I hope I provided a good first kiss for you and Harry~Senpai. And I hope I spell that right. Well Harry hates your s-*Harry covers mouth* "shhh no need to speak." Okay Harry~~ now GO GET READY FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER~~~ you and the cast aren't aloud in my ANs... *harry pouts and walks off." Well now byeeee~~~~

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