She is on TV

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His question made me blush. I looked down hiding it and shook my head 'no' I then snatched his hook while he was turned around and walked out quickly. He found out pretty fast but I got like a 10 second head start.

I didn't see him for a bit so I sat down to chill but not on the ground, on the roof of a building. I saw him and he saw me. He was smiling wickedly. I giggled as I jumped roof to roof of the buildings. He chased me from the ground until we reached the edge of the Isle. We saw pretty lights and stuff from Auradon.

If I were to be honest, it made me pretty sad or mad or both. My sister, my mom, and all my best friends were taken from me because of that place. Good people. That is what they had become. I think Harry realized that I was upset. "(Y/N)? You okay?" I hear him yell. I nod and throw the hook to him and ran back home.

Not home... with Uma, Gil, and Harry... but home.

I got to the house and it felt so nice to be home. I turned on the TV and of
course she was on it. My sister, Mal, was on TV. I felt so angry.
[224 words]

Yo guys sorry for the short chapter but I'm marking more then one today so I have a reason... right? Well the movie is on right now so imma watch it again. :D see you soon <3 bai!

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