Valentines Day Special!

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I know most people who are reading this or all of you will enjoy this. Your welcome~

Harry's P.O.V OMG New POV *Faint*

I woke up with my arms wrapped around (Y/n)s cute and small figure. 'Huh... that's new. She's always awake before me. Oh well.' I thought. I nudged her.

"Mmm? Five more minutes..." she said lazily. I nudge her again and she tried to push me. "No..." she mumbled.

"Come on lazy pants. Get up. Or I'll throw you in the lake." I said quietly. She jolted up. "Heh... that got you up quickly." I said and started laughing at her scared expression.

"Wow could have not threatened me or, even better, NOT WAKE ME UP!? I've never EVER woken you up... on purpose." She added the last part quietly. I ruffled her hair. She grumbled.

"It's no fun when I'm the only one awake. What would I have done? So, I had no other choice. But, hey, if you wanna go back to sleep, I'm up for cuddles today." I say with a smirk. She blushed.

"S-shut up!" She said and flopped down onto the sleeping bag. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled up next to her. She made a small squeak. I smiled and kissed her noes. I pulled her closer to me and fell back to sleep. Y/n soon followed after.

•~•~• time skip •~•~•
Brought to you by Harry snuggles and kisses (∩ε∩)

I woke up to see Y/n reading a book next to me while my arms are wrapped around her waist lightly. I smiled up at her.

"Hello~ how long have you been up? And please lay back down. I'm so cold~." I said. She slowly looked up from her book.

"Harry, we are not sleeping all day. Now come on! You're always the one who wants to get me out of this tent." She said trying to get up.

The key word: TRYing.

I pulled her down so that she was slightly on top of me and slightly next to me. "No. I don't wanna go outside today. Just lay down with me. Pretty please? Heh. I donno why I even asked. I'm not letting you get up." I mumbled

She grumbled again blushing. "Fine you jerk." She mumbled nuzzling into my chest.

Let's just say.

We spent the whole day...


380 words~

Hey! Happy Valentine's Day~ hope you all enjoyed!!! Bye bye Nya~

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