The Surprise

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( play the song when I tell you 0^0)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I wake up from my strange dream about Harry because of a knock on my door."(Y/N)! Get up mom wants us!" Said the voice on the other side of the door, who I'm guessing is Mal." Hang on let me get dressed!" I yelled before I got dressed in this

" Hang on let me get dressed!" I yelled before I got dressed in this

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I then walked downstairs and sat next to Mal on a chair." What is it mom?" Mal asked our mom."Everyone else has to be here. I have some news." Mom said with a wicked grin. So, Mal and I went to find Evie, Jay, and Carlos and the parents.

So we first walked to Evie's house and knocked on the door."Yo, Evie, our mom has news for us and our parents." Mal said as Evie opened the door."Umm... okay? Mom we need to go see Maleficent! She has news!" Evie yelled to her mom, the evil queen."Wanna go straight to our house or com find the boys with us?" We asked Evie." Find the boys." She said as all walked to find the boys.

We then want to Jay's house because it was the closet to Evie's and we knocked on the door. Instead of Jay Jaffar, his dad, was there."Hello Mal, Evie, (Y/N). What do you need."Jay." Mal said quickly and right after she said that a voice from behind us said," What's up guys!?" It was Jay."Maleficent needs all of us at the house." I said. "Okay...? Why?"I shrugged. "Well I'll go to the house" Jaffar said as he left"I'll come with you." Jay said and we all left.

Carlos was last because he was close to our house which made it easy to get to our final destination. We knocked and all the same stuff happened Carlos opens the door, told his mom, mom went to the house right away, and Carlos stuck with us.

"Well our mom said we have to be there at about 9:30PM and it's 7:30 so we have some time.( hahaha that's funny... bc that's the time I'm writing this!) So we can all go do stuff." Mal said and we all nodded. We just walked around chatting and Jay sometimes stole one or two things from someone. Somehow we all got separated but me an Mal were still together then we all start singing!(because that's normal!)
(Play that song!)

They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
That makes me glad

A dirty no-good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can't take me home

So I got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me?
I never got no love

They think I'm callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless

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