Day 6: Him

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I feel like you should know I couldn't have my phone for that past few days. I also can't write at my dad's house and now that I see him like every other weekend.... yeahhh... I've also have had a lot of extra school stuff... >_> yeah sorry ILY


I woke up to see a sleeping Y/N cuddled up next to me. She was mumbling in her sleep. I'm still pretty mad about that witch, Audrey. She is just plain annoying. Anyway, because I didn't want to wake little Y/n, I just cuddled next to her until I know she wakes up. She'll wake up soon.

Time skip!
From~ Audrey falling into a hole.
I'm evil like dat

I heard mumbles coming from the body that was wrapped in my arms. I closed my eyes slightly and faked-asleep. I notice her eyes flutter open and I get to see her pretty E/c <eye color> eyes.

She sits up, letting my arms slip off from around her waist. I grumble and pull her down next to me. She blushed a bit and looked at me. "H-Harry... wake up." She whispers. I grumble again. "Harry. I know you're awake you dummy." She said a bit louder.

I groan lightly. "What... I'm trying to sleep." I lied and hugged her closer to me. She looked at me confused. "Wait. You were asleep?" She asks. "Yeah... duh." I mumble lying to her.

"O-oh... I'm so sorry. But can you let me go." She asks. "Nah it's fine. I'm not tired anymore." I said and sit up. She looked at me for a second and blushed. I look at her confused until I look down.

I'm not wearing a shirt. "Whoops." I say with a slight laugh. "'Whoops?' THATS ALL YOU SAY?! PUT ON A SHIRT!" She whisper yells at me. "Ugh. Why. I'm so comfortable like this." I say laying back down. "Come 'er." I say.

"Um. No. Put on a shirt and I'll consider it." She said. I sighed and grabbed her arm pulling her onto me. She makes a loud gasp. I wrap my arms around her and sigh happily. She struggles to get up a lot.

"Relax please. Go back to sleep." I mumble and pull her very close to me. "Harry no. We need to get up. I'm hungry." She grumbles. I sigh and slowly let go. She gets up and looks down at my pouting face.

"Put on a shirt and come out for breakfast." She says putting in her shoes and going outside. I sigh... again and put on a shirt. "Ugh... when can this week be over. I want to go to our room and sleep in a nice bed with her." I whisper while getting up and going out the tent. The next thing I saw made me completely angry.

Y/n... chatting with a guy near a tree.

I glared at him and realized that I didn't know him. 'Stupid Auradon kids.' I think while looking away from them. I couldn't not look at them though. I look back and examine that guy she was talking with.

He had swooped brownish hair and brown eyes. He was in the usual Auradon colors, blue and yellow. I could tell he was trying to flirt with Y/n. He used a charming smile as he spoke. I already hate him. I don't know why.

From- A very sick Author~Chan
And Harry wanting chad to StOp

Ben told us that we couldn't be out the tents too much because of a thunder storm. In fact, we had to go to a whole new place to stay out of the rain. So, we packed up what we had set for our tents and took a walk to a place. It was a cabin.

"Okay so same people into the rooms. That means that if you were in the tent with someone, you'll be in the same room as them." Ben said. One person from each group had to go get a key. Because Yn was holding slightly less stuff, she went to get the key.

Another time skip
From~ Harry kisses~<3

Yn and I settled into the rooms and Yn said she was going to read (huh. The little bar on the phone for like Auto correct <after typing read> said lemon... wow. I don't read dat) I went down to walk around the cabin.

As I walked down the hallway, I ran into the Prince Charming himself. He grumbled at me as I did the same to him. "Stay away from Yn. She is going to love me. Not you." He said with venom. "Mhm sure." I grumble.

"Listen you wannabe pirate. I always get what I want. I will have Yn. Do you hear me?" He said with full hatred. "Mmmmmhmmmmm suuure you will." I said sarcastically. "I have to go. I can't be around you for too long." I say and walk away without another word.

Then of course Audrey pops up. "Hey cutie~ wanna come eat dinner with me?" She asks. I shake my head and grumble. "No Audrey. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever." I say as I, once again, walk away. She followed. My goodness, she's like a flea or some other annoying bug. "I think you'll fall for me and forget all about that stupid Yn. That ticked me off.

"Don't talk about her like that and leave me alone." I say and storm off. I walk into the room that Yn and I were staying in. I knocked on the door, just in case Yn was changing or something. I heard a faint 'come in' as I turn the door knob and walk into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed she was sitting on with a grunt.

"Audrey?" She asked looking up from her book. I nodded with a grumble. She sighed, marked her page, and set he book aside. "She looked at the clock and I followed her glance.

11:30 PM

I sigh and crawl up where the pillows were and laid down next to her. "Wanna talk now or tomorrow?" She asks. I didn't care. I sat up and quickly got dressed and laid down again. I pull her close to me and pull the covers over us. We laid together and I noticed she had fallen asleep. Light snores we're coming from her. I soon drifted to sleep.

1090 words
IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER! This was supposed to be done before but there was some issues with family and school and I haven't had time and this was going to come out MONDAY. Yup. TWO DAYS LATE HUH.

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