Someone new.

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(Sup guys! Before I start the new person is made bye someone else. I will give full credit to this person and thank them for giving a new addition. Now if you guys have people you would like to add comment and ask me if they are allowed in the story. @WillowTheClown made this character and she is making a book! Go check her out and give her some loaf anyway to the story we gooo!!!)

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As I was walking to the house Uma, Gil, Harry, and I all shared I decided to go through a short cut. As I walk I hear someone or something whisper. I look for what it is and I see someone with green hair and a pirate hat. "Umm... hello?" I ask the strange girl I haven't seen before.

"Oh... hello there lass." She said as she looked up at me. "Who are you and are you lost or something? I haven't seen you around before." I said she shook her head. "Nah I just don't come around here lass. I have seen you around though... jumping on roofs and stuff." She said with a laugh.

"So who are you the kid of?" I ask. "Daughter of Hades. And you are..." she said hinting me to finish her sentence. "Daughter of Maleficent. Also if you were wondering the name's (Y/N)." I said holding out my hand to shake. "Reese. It's a pleasure to meet you lass. Don't you have a sister who is at Auradon?" She asked shaking my hand. I nodded and didn't say anything about her being back.

"So why are you around here?" I ask,"Meh wanted to see what's around ya know?" She said with a grin. "How about you?" "Well I live around here." I said and she nodded. "So you're a pirate? I feel like I should have seen you around." I said looking at her clothes. "I don't expect you to recognize me but I have seen you and I think you have seen me but now is the first time we REALLY met." She said. "I know Harry and Uma and Gil.... and now you. You live with them right?" She asked. I blushed and looked looked down and nodded.

"OoOohh... someone's blushing~" she teased. "Stop..." I said blushing more.
"Mmhmm.... sure.... okay well do you wanna walk together? I'll walk you to your house." She said. "That would be cool thank you." I said. I pointed to a direction and we walked together.

We made it to the house and we said our goodbyes and she walked off.

"Who was that?" Harry asked. I didn't answer and walked off... well tried... Harry grabbed my arm. "Tell me who it was (Y/N).... please." He said and looked  at me with sad eyes. I gave in. "It was a girl I met.... her name is Reese." He looked shocked.

"Reese? Like... the child of Hades?" He asked. I nodded slowly. "Oh... okay..." he said and let go... slowly.
[427 words :) without the A/N]
Hello guys!!! I hope you like the chapter and if you have a character you wanna add please don't wait to ask I will only be taking a few because I can't take all of them.... I loaf you guys byeeee!!!

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