The Limo...

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(Y/N)s P.O.V

Harry holds on tightly to my hand as we run up stairs and other things. I almost tripped... a lot. Evie walks up to us. "Okay you two the limo is over there. Go. Sit and wait. Those are orders from Mal." She says pointing to an ally.

Harry and I nod and we run into the ally. "It's kinda dark...." I say holding on tighter to Harry's hand. I hear a low chuckle come from him. "Are you afraid of the dark.... kitten?" He asks, using my pet name. "Uhh... umm..." I say. I stop talking and hear him start to laugh softly.

"S-stop l-laughing at m-me!" I say. "Hmm... okay fine." He says. "Where is the limo? She said it's around here somewhere." I say looking around. I realize that Harry let go of my hand. "H-Harry? Where did you g-go?" I ask getting scared.

"H-Harry this isn't f-funny come out from w-where you're h-hiding." I say. I hear a low chuckle and then something wraps around my waist.

"Hey~" he whispers in my ear. Many chills go down my spine. "That wasn't f-funny Harry..." I say with a pout. "Aww~ you're so cute when you pout~" he mumbles into my ear making me blush.

C-can we just f-find the l-limo, p-please?" I ask. "Okay I already found it when I was trying to scare you." He says while letting go of my waist.

He grabs my hand and leads me to a thing with some sort of tarp thing. 'What?' I think to myself.

Harry takes the tarp off to reveal a limo. "Wow, they put some thought into this whole thing didn't they?" I ask. "Seems like it" Harry says. He opens the door for me and I sit in the limo. 'Wow. This is very pretty.' I think to my self.

I watch as Harry puts the tarp back over the limo and some how managed to get in the vehicle with the tarp being put over it. He sat close to me but I didn't notice until be put his arm around my waist.

I instantly blushed and tried to scoot away. "Ah, ah, ah~" Harry said pulling me back next to him. I blushed and looked away. "What's wrong?" Harry asks, "are you mad at me?" He continued. "N-no..." I said still blushing and not looking at him. "Hmmm... okay good. That means I can do this."

I felt both his arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted up and sat back down... just not on the car seat. Harry put me on his lap?! He hugged me close to him my face was heating up. A lot. "U-umm H-Harry?" I ask. "Hmm?" He hummed in response putting his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"W-what a-are you d-doing?" I ask in a whisper. "Nothing really." He says. I felt his mouth turn into a smirk.

He backed his face away from my neck, leaning onto the car seat. He pulls me down with him. 'He's so... warm' I think to myself.

I think I was about to fall asleep but Harry woke me up before I could. "No sleeping kitty~. Wow you were that comfortable?~" he says mischievously as he sits up. My face heats up really quickly.

"Uhh... umm..... I..." I try to find something to say. I hear Harry chuckle. He sits me down next to him when he hears I think... Carlos start talking. I sigh 'thank you CARLOS!!! You helped me out of that mess.' I think to myself.

'But... is it bad... that I want... to do that... with him

More?' I think to myself while I blush. Just thinking about it....

650 words

Okay wow... you asked for it... did I do goooood?!?! If I did (and you read these) tell me and tell me if you want me to add more stuff like this! I think you guys are going to be VERY happy to what comes in the NEXT chapter~ but for now bye- bye!

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