She is Back.

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(Y/N)'s P.O. V

As we walk Harry says that we have to steel from one of my good friends Dizzy. I hated steeling from Dizzy because she has it hard enough with her grandmother. He walks in and I stand outside not wanting to go in with him.

After a few minutes he walks out with some money and gum."Where did you get gum?" I ask tilting my head. "You won't believe it." He said I nodded for him to continue, "your sister is in there." I stood there for a minute shocked.

"Well shall we go?" Harry asked."Or do you want to go say hello to your sister?" I didn't answer and he starts to walk off. I walk in to see my sister. It was strange though. On TV she had blond hair with purple tips and now she had very pretty purple.

"(Y/N)? Oh my goodness, (Y/N)! It's you I haven't seen you in forever I've missed you how have you been?!" Mal hugged me tight. I was shocked but I ended up hugging her back. "Wow I don't believe that you are here! How did you- *gasp* did you get kicked out!? Where are the others!?" Mal shook her head and giggled. "No I wanted to come back... I didn't feel right there and Carlos, Jay, and Evie are still there."

I nodded and smiled. Mal, Dizzy, and I talked for a few minutes but it was really a hour. Then for some odd reason, Harry came up in our conversation.

"So... how are you and Harry?" Mal asked with a grin. I blushed a little,"what are you t-talking about? We're friends and we're pretty good ones." She grind, "just friends?" She asked and giggled at me blushing.

'What is with people and asking about me and Harry- wait... BEN!!' I thought to myself. "How is the princess?" I ask with a smirk. She got pretty angry, "don't call me that... I'm not going back." She said seriously. I nodded. "Wait like never, ever, forever?" I asked she nodded and giggled.

"Do you hang with Uma and them?" She asked crossing her arms. "Yeah they were pretty much the only people I could talk to and them not running away.... so yeah. Why?" I asked/said. "No reason... it's just that they my not like me..." she said and I nodded. "But if there is one thing I can say, is that Harry has changed... he doesn't seem as scary..."

I giggled, "you may not want to tell him that he will get pretty mad." We laughed and talked for another hour or so. "I gotta go to the house. Wanna come with?" She asked I shook my head. "Bye Dizzy!" We both said and I walked her to her house base thing. "Well goodnight." I say. "Night." She said back as we parted ways for the night.
[490 words]
Sup guys <3 I hope you like the 3 chapters today! I'm trying to do it for the next week... I will most likely make about 3 more tomorrow (if you are VERY lucky 4 ;P) but imma head off for the night! Bye!

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