My Crush?

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"So if you back up and say 'no don't you dare' and stuff like that, why do you kiss back? Hmm?~" Harry asked with a grin on his face not blushing or anything. "I-uhh-umm.." 'good going (Y/N) you are stuttering you idiot!' I yell to my self blushing at his question.

He chuckles,"Well Uma and Gil will be back soon so I'll let you sit and think about my question." Harry says with a grin while walking out to I'm guessing his room. I then hear the door fly open then shut.

"We're home!" I hear Uma and Gil yell from the front door. I stuff my face in my pillow and scream into it making my scream muffled. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I hear Uma's voice then I immediately stop screaming and just nod face still in pillow.

"Are you sure~ and you thinking about someone?~" Uma asked teasing me into getting up from the pillow. It worked right after she said that I jolted up and look at her. She laughs. "So... who ya thinking bout?" Uma asked with a grin on he face.

I shook my head quickly and blush as I look down. She rolls her eyes, "Mmhmm I totally believe you." She said sarcastically, "oh come on! Just tell me who you are thinks about!" "No one! Okay there I said it NO ONE!" I say defensively. "Okay, okay fine but I know you are hiding something~" she said with a mischievous smirk.

I put my head back into the pillow and then I hear our door fly right open. It was Gil. "(Y/N)! Come to the room." "GIL!" Uma yells, "at least knock!" He nodded grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room. Harry was there. Gil left us to be alone. 'Oh no oh no we are alone together what if he does it again... I mean it won't be bad but... wait isn't he supposed to like Uma... or is that a-' my thoughts were cut off by Harry putting his hook on a table and walking over to me.

"Do you have an answer (Y/N)?"
[366 words and OMG 8K READS THANK YOU!]
So guys... sorry I didn't post in a day.. I will be making more then one tomorrow and the next day. I try to keep up sorry if you guys think this is a bit to short but it's kinda a cliff hanger 😜 sorry but anyway BAI!!!

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