Day Two: Bunny!

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I wake up the next morning feeling something warm. Wrapping around my waist. I open my eyes to see Harry's face. I looked at him while blushing bright red. He was sleeping soundly. I look at the tents ceiling and see a light coming from it.

I struggle out of his grip and look out the tent and see that the sun up high. I sit outside of the tent and sigh. 'I am the only one awake' I think to myself. I look and see shuffling in a bush and get scared. What the. What could be in the bush. Is there an animal in the bush or something?

The thing walks out and I see a rabbit. "Hello, little bunny." I say. It tilts its head and slowly hops to me. It rubs its head on my leg, wanting to be pet. 'I thought bunnies didn't like human attention..' I think to myself.

I slowly place my hand on its soft head. It sat close to me and laid its head on my leg. "You're so cute." I say to the bunny and it jumps onto my lap. I move my head down the it's back slowly, petting it gently.

After a few minutes, a male with glasses walked out of a light and dark blue tent. He looked over at me and smiled. He walked over slowly to me. "Hello, my name is Doug." He said holding out his hand with a smile.

"(Y/n)... nice to meet you." I said and shook his hand. "You seem to have a thing with animals." He said looking at the small bunny on my lap which was now sleeping soundly. "You think so? Never really seen any animals before. Good to hear that they might like me." I say looking down at the rabbit.

"I should head back to the tent before Evie wakes up and sees that I'm not there and thinks I got killed. Bye!" He said walking off.

Another few minutes go by and I hear shuffling in the tent. I turn to see Harry half asleep crawling out of the tent. "Morning sleeping beauty." I say teasingly. He smiles lightly and sits next to me. "What's that?" He said pointing to the rabbit. "A rabbit." I reply simply.

How about _________ {who ever comments the best name, will be the bunny's name PHOTO AT THE TOP!} I think to myself. "______" {ITS A GIRL BTW!} I say with a wide smile. "He nods. "What are we going to feed it?" He asks looking at it. "OH YEAH! We need to go to the shop to buy food. I saw some animal things at the shop across from the swim shop we went to yesterday." I say.

"Do you think we can leave without the others being worried about us?" He asks. I look down at my watch. '5:00 AM' "We have an hour before breakfast and when the others wake up, but we can leave a note saying where we are." I say putting the wrist with the watch on it to my side.

Harry nods and goes into the tent and comes out with paper and a pen. He wrote,

'Dear Everyone,
(Y/n) and I have gone to the shop to buy a few things. We will be back shortly.
No need to worry, we will be fine.
~Harry Hook.'

"Okay looks good let's put it on the table where we are going to have breakfast and put something heavy on it so it won't blow away." I say. He nods and does so. I try to get up and not wake up the bunny. I fail. I woke up and looked at me. I go into the tent and grab my small bag and clean out the useless things and keep my wallet in my pocket.

I but the bag on the ground and ask the rabbit to hop in. It nods and gets in the bag and curls up and falls asleep. I don't close the bag all the way because I don't want it to die and start walking. "Ready?" Harry asks with a smile. I nod and we walk onwards to the shop.

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