Im Sorry Ben.

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Uuuma!! I have something you would really love to hear!!" Gil says while running up to Uma. Everyone stares at him but me. I freeze up because I feel like he is going to tell Uma about everyone being here. "Uma! Evie, Jay, Carlos are at the Isle!" He said. I watched Uma's eyes light up and her smile grow into a evil grin.

"Really Gil? How about Mal?" He shook his head. "Couldn't see her with them. Only those three. Also guess who they have with them..." Gil said waiting to hear Uma's reaction. "Who, Gil?" She asks 'oh no...' I think to myself. "BEN!!" He yelled excitedly. Uma's eyes lit up more and her grin turned more evil.

"(Y/N)! Come here I have a question." I hear Uma say. I get up and walk over to her. "Do you think Mal would let Ben be here without her? Or do you think that Mal is here or- what do you think?" She asks me. I shrug and look at everyone looking at us. "Hmm... HARRY!" She yells and Harry walks up behind me. "What?" He asked. "Go find Ben. Now." She said and Harry's eyes lit up. "Only if I can take (Y/N) with." He said putting his hand on my shoulder. "I don't see why not. Come back with Ben. Or don't come back at all." She said and Harry and I walked out together. Reese didn't seem like she wanted to so I didn't make her.

"Where do you think they would be?" He asked me. "I don't know and if I did I wouldn't want to go take Ben. Even though Mal didn't do what she needed to do I still love her. She is my sister. And Evie, Jay, and Carlos are all my friends so I don't even know why you brought me." I say kinda angry. "I don't know why... I just felt like it was right... but we have to do this. One of us will most likely be in charge so we don't have to be mean when no one else is around okay?" He ask/said. I nodded and we kept looking for them. We don't see anyone else but Ben walking down the ally looking sad.

I walk up to him, Harry following behind me. "Hi Ben sorry but we have to do this." I said while making him blackout. "Don't tell them I was here." I say picking up Ben's body. I hear Gil and give Ben's body to him and wait for Harry to get back.

"Okay we are all good." He said patting my head and we walk off. 'I hope Ben is okay...' I think to myself.

We get to the shop and we hear cheers coming from the shop. Harry and I breathe as we walk into the shop. "So.. is Mal here??" She asked us. "Yeah I told her to come alone. I hope that's okay with you." Harry said looking down. She laughed and nodded her head.

"Where did you guys put Ben? I wanna see him." I asked. "Well good we need someone to be the caretaker for him so you can be it!" Uma said taking my hand and led me to his sell.

"You will be bringing him food and water everyday so yeah." She said leaving us alone together.

I waited for him to wake up and he soon did. "Where am I- (Y/N)? (Y/N) why would you do this I thought we could be friends but I guess if you do this to people you just meet we won't be friends." Ben said out of pure anger. "Ben I don't want to do this but Uma is making me... I'm so sorry." I say trying to calm him down. "Now listen Harry and I are going to try to get you out of her but for now please just play along." I said to him. He slowly nods
[670 words]
This is the last chapter of the day... I hope you guys don't mind that I do a lot on the weekends and like none on the week days... unless I can squeeze it in there somehow... I will try but if I can't I'm sorry. Good night! And if you have school have a good day at school!!

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