Day Three: The Waterfall

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Okay so... I couldn't pick a bunny name so these are the ones my friend picked out and you have to vote on them. The names are: Bella, Lily, Zoë, Fluffy, Snow, and Princess. I really liked all of the names so thank you but my friend limited it down to these.
•~• THANK YOU •~•



I woke up. Early. AGAIN. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry asleep. To my surprise, his arms weren't wrapped around me. I get up and go out the tent to see if the bunny was out. I sat out there for a while and never saw the bunny come out. The sun was very pretty as it went into the soon-to-be-blue sky.

It was peaceful when I was alone. Even if it were peaceful, I felt slightly unsafe. I felt as if someone were watching me
and every move I made.

I slowly made my way to the tent and went into the tent to see Harry sitting up. "Morning." I whisper. He looks at me and nods with a smile. "Are you going to wake up early every morning?" He asks with a soft smile. I shrug and pick up my book.

After a few minutes I hear Ben's voice and put down my book and walk out the tent along with Harry. "Okay everyone! Today we will be going hiking!" He yelled. "But first, breakfast!" He yelled and sat down at the wooden table.


I helped pack up snacks for the hiking trip. We packed sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, and candy/sweets. When we were done we had to have a partner, who was your tent buddy. Everyone had a separate bag of food and we all had to split up. 'Why do we need to split up? More fun? Spooky? I am very confused and slightly concerned.' I thought to myself.

"Come on, (Y/n)!" Harry yelled and ran up to you grabbing your hand. "We are going down the 4th path." Harry said walking up to a sign that said "4TH PATH" in really big letters. "Why are there more than one paths?" I asked. He shrugged and we started walking.

There were a lot of trees and animals sounds. Mostly birds. We were walking for a while and then saw a beautiful waterfall and a lake that the waterfall flows into. "Woah." I say amazed. Harry nodded and looked in the same amazement. "Welp, wanna get a closer look?" Harry asked and started climbing the wood steps. I nodded and followed.

"I think I'm in love." I say

"With a waterfall?" Harry looks at me with a smirk.

"Yes." I say and keep staring at the waterfall. I had never seen a waterfall before. And they were beautiful.

Harry chuckled as we kept going up the stairs.

After some time, we made it to the top of the waterfall. There was a raft? "Woah! We get to go down the waterfall!" Harry said and was really excited. {TOTALLY SAFE. KIDS DO NOT TRY WHAT IS COMING UP NEXT AT HOME!}

Harry pit the raft into the water. There were like, seat belts on it. "Well, come on!" Harry said. I giggled and slowly got into the raft. He got in the raft and pushed off the rocks so we would start to go forward. And we did. We started to fall down the waterfall really fast. I screamed, mostly because I was going backwards. Harry was laughing and put his hands in the air.

Sooner or later it ended and you two were a tad bit wet. And by that, I mean you were almost soaking wet. {stop it.} the sun was about to start going down and you two decided to go back to camp.

We somehow found our way to the camp. "Thank Fairy god mother! I thought we were lost!" I said as we want into the tent. Harry chuckled and nodded. "Yup but we found our way out." Harry said smiling.

We got back before everyone else and I decided to get changed out of my wet clothes. "Harry, could get out for a minute so I can change?" I asked. He nodded and left. I quickly got changed into something that I could sleep in later. I walked out to see everyone walking back to the camp.

"There you two are!" Mal and Evie yelled walking up to me and Harry. I nodded. "Yeah sorry we left. We thought you guys were already done." Harry said. The two nodded and went to go help fix the dinner.


It was passed sundown and everyone had gone back to their tents. I walked into my tent and sat on my sleeping bag. Harry soon walked into the tent. "Hey, (Y/n). Would you still be mad if I called you kitty?" I sigh. "Okay you can call me that just not every time you wanna talk to me." He smiled and pat my head. "Thank you, kitty." He said with a grin.

I crawled into my sleeping bag. As soon as I set my head down, I felt two arms go around my waist. "Do you have to?" I asked. "Mmhmm." He said. I sighed and felt him pull me closer, if that was possible. "Night, Kitty." He mumbled. "Night, Hook." I respond and fell asleep.

(-_- ) 916 WORDS ( -_-) /

•~• 73k, huh? That's a big number •~•
You all need a hug
And a kiss
I also love you all.
Bye-Bye for now.

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