Day 7: Time to Go!

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This is such a stupid chapter =•=

I woke up cold. 'That's new'. I lifted my head to see that Harry wasn't next to me. I look to the other bed. Nope. Then I hear the shower.

I lay back down in bed until I hear the shower stop. A few moments later a Harry with only pants on comes out the room with wet hair and a towel rapped around his neck. "Hmm? Oh, you're up. Ben came in saying we have to leave soon so we should get ready." He said.

"Umm... okay? I guess I could go shower then." I say and get up. I grab some clothes and a towel and washcloth (or whatever you use to wash your body). I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I run the water till it feels okay. I strip (I don't rlly like that word for some odd reason...) off my clothes and get into the shower. The water hitting my skin was (warm/Hot/Cold) and it felt nice. I began to wash my hair and body.

Time skip
I don't wanna write about taking a shower!

I walk out fully clothed with my hair slightly wet. I look to see Harry sitting on the bed. And he is still shirtless. I didn't care anymore. Not like he'd listen to me. I sigh and sit next to him.

"How long till we leave?" I ask him. "About 1/30 hours... if I had to guess." He responded. I nodded.




That was it


Only silence


It was nice





Okay wow. Way to ruin EVERYTHING.

I walk up to the door to see none other than...


Oh joyous...

Hint the sarcasm.

"Hello, Audrey. What do you need?" I ask. She glared at me but then saw Harry walking up behind me. She smiled and giggled trying to act cute. "I come to see if I could speak with Harry, Yn." She said my name with slight venom. I look at Harry. He sighs

"Sure. Make it quick though." He says. They walk outside and I shut the door.


I hear a loud bang from out the door and Harry opens it. "So.. how was it?" I ask he grumbled in response. "You didn't  hurt anyone, right?" I asks. "Nope didn't hurt anyone but I almost did." He said.









I open the door to see Ben. "We have to leave." He said. I nodded and beckon Harry to come over and help me grab the stuff.

We walk out the nice cabin.

We look at the forest once again.

We get in the limo.

We leave.

We say goodbye.

~446 words!~

I got nothing! Wow I didn't think I would finish this that quick. Imma tell you right now. There are going to be about 3 more chapters. Okay. Bai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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