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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The time Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos, and I all spent together was great. We got to look at the ocean dividing us from all the kings and queens and princes and princesses.

"What did you two do today?" The three of them asked Mal and I." (Y/N) wanted to meet this boy she had seen when she wandered around yesterday." Mal said looking at me then back at them.

"Oh a boy ,huh?" Evie said as she looked at me with a smirk."ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!" I yell angrily." Okay, okay, geez (Y/N), calm down." Evie said backing down.

"So... who was the boy?" Jay asked." His name was Harry Hook." I said." Harry Hook... feel like I know him from some where. Does he go to that fish and chip shop?" Jay asked as if he knew him." I think he may, he said I should go to it sometime so maybe he does? Why?" I asked Jay.

Xx This next part is whispered xX

He leaned over to me and said," I don't think would Mal like him then."I look at him shocked," why do you think that?" I asked." She hates Uma which is the daughter of Ursula... and Ursula owns the place and Uma works there." he said back to me." Okay well doesn't mean that he works there..." I say back. He was about to say something when-

Xx not whispered xX

"Hey you want to talk to us to or?" Mal asked angrily. "Sorry." Me and Jay said. "What were you two whispering about over there?" Carlos asked. "Nothing..." me and Jay say. They all glare at us and say,"sure..." I quickly get up and say, "okay time for us to go back home" nervously..." Yup!" Jay said as he got up and started walking home. But before he got to far I walked up to him and whispered," continue that talk tomorrow?" He nodded and walked on.

I walk back and Carlos gets up," okay well bye guys!" He said before running home. "Well guess that leaves me to head off." Evie said as she picked up her bag and walked of." Bye!" I say. Evie turns to wave and walks off." Okay, shall we?" I say as I walk in front of  Mal."We shall." She says grabbing my hand.

Xx The Next Day xX

I woke up early... somehow... and I just kinda sat on my bed... did nothing... I felt sick... which is something I had never felt before..."meh." I said as I shrugged it off." That means I'll just chill in my room all day." I said as I got a book from my small shelf and sat on by bed and read it.

Xx small time skip xX

I hear Mal get up and knock on my door."Yo (Y/N) do you wanna go out for a bit?" She asked as she walked in. "No just wanna stay in today." I say with a smile." Okay." She said as she walked out and shut my door.

Mal's P.O.V

After I took a shower and just put my normal cloths on I walk downstairs quickly. Said bye to mom and left. I wanted to go to where Harry Hook had suggested to me and my sister. I walk in to see many people with pirate hats on. Then I see Harry, and he sees me.

"Hello, aren't you that girl from yesterday?" He asked as I walked over. "Yes, and I don't think I ever told you my name?" I asked. He just shook his head,"nope I don't think so." He said."Well my name is Mal and the other girl was-" I was about to say my sisters name before he leaned over and cut me off.

"Mal?" He asked with a grin on his face. I pushed him back with a nod,"yeah, so?" He was about to say something, but something happened. Why? Why did she have to be here? "Well looks like I don't have to tell you." Harry said wickedly and with that he walked past me and outside.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" I turn to face her."Hello Uma."
I have a strange question for you guys... do you think in the first movie the four VKs live together? Well I would like to know what you guys think!( but in the book they don't...) but still!!! Anyway sorry for this chapter being late 😅😅. I was actually sick today and slept a lot... 😅😅😅😅 I'll try to post earlier tomorrow... heh... umm... I will try to post everyday... anyway! Bye my beautiful babies have a good day... or night... (also before this paragraph it was 711 words... I write the book fully go back to check and afterwards write down the number of words for the chapter... because I want everything to be corrected... if you find anything please tell :) again bye!!!

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