Say Goodbye

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was the day Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos were leaving... I was really sad to see them all go, but I know that it is for the best. We will get the wand and be able to leave this island. But at the same time, I was losing all my great friends and my sister. I didn't want them to leave.

I'm not the best fighter or anything like that so they all stood up for me... made me feel safe... I saw the limo that was here to pickup all my dearest friends and family from the window... well, it's a hole in the wall... and I ran downstairs in just a purple tank top and black shorts.

Mal turned my way and put down her bags and I gave her a hug."Sis, calm down. I'll come back as soon as I get that wand." She said as she hugged me back."Okay, well you better hurry up and do it!" I said as I stepped back from her. She smiled and we walked out to the limo.

"Good bye (Y/N)!" Evie said as she got in the limo. "Be safe." Carlos said after Evie and got in the limo to. "No getting into any fights with us not here, okay?" Jay said as he hopped into the car." You promise that you will be okay without us?" Mal asked with a worried expression."Yeah but just get that wand so that I can leave this island!" I said with a nod.

With that she got in the car. And left. To get that wand. And show Auradon that you don't mess with the VKs.

(A few days later)

I was just walking around with Mal's old 'long live evil' shirt on, black pants, and a black sweater with a purple and green heart on the back. I went to go find Harry because I haven't seen him in a while and I felt like I needed a friend... or at least SOMETHING because I was so alone. I walked near where we both met.

Then I found him... or he found me. "What you doing around here alone?" I jumped up a little and turned around to see the pirate boy. "Harry, hey! You scared me a bit." I said and he laughed a little. "So, I heard that your 'gang' left? For Auradon?" He asked I nodded and looked down at my feet with a frown.

"Don't let it get you down, I'll be your friend." Harry said with a smile trying to cheer me up. "You just have to do one little favor for me." She said with a grin grabbing my arm.

"Harry! Where are we even going?" You ask while getting out of his grip. "If I tell you then it won't be a surprise now would it?" He asked."If you don't tell me then I'm not going." You say back to him."Awww, fine, your fun." He said with a pout." We're going to the fish and chip shop." He said with a grin

"Oh? Ok? Why didn't you just say so?" You ask him. He shrugged and grabbed your hand taking you to the shop. When you get there it smells like fish... well I guess that normal. You were about to walk in and Harry grabs your arm and pulls you aside.

"Don't go in. I only want you to meet somebody." He said as he walks in to the shop. I lean against the wall of the shop until Harry comes out with a girl with blue braided hair.

"This is Uma, (Y/N) and Uma this is
(Y/N)." Harry said introducing you and the girl." Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Uma said putting her hand out for you to shake it. "Same to you, Uma." I said shaking her hand.

"Harry has told me a lot about you." She said, "Is it true that all your closest friends and family have left you for Auradon?" She asked i nodded and looked down.

"Well, me and Harry would like to show you the chip shop here!" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me into the chip shop."
Hewwo my babies!!! Late... again... I know... so sorry. Well I hope you enjoyed this and this was 708 words... without this paragraph. Imma quickly end this chapter so that no other emotion comes up so b-
Me: Ugh why??
Lucy: because we are y-
Me: nope I'm tired so we are all heading to bed goodnight my babies and have a wonderful day or night or whatever but byeeee~~~

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