Telling Harry

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{Quick AN: Sorry for anyone who wanted to keep a secret from Harry. Most people wanted to tell him. Wow you like danger. Hahahaha that is a spoiler to the next few chapters. But you don't know what will happen. Lol okay well have fun~ Bye my cuties. lol}

(Y/N)'s P.O.V {when can I stop putting this?}

I breath in then out. "Are you going to tell me, or are you keeping a secret?" Harry said walking up to me. "I'll tell you, but hear my words. If you tell anyone. I will most likely not trust you. Understand?" I say firmly and Harry nods. I sigh.

"Okay... well... I just told Ben what Mal and the others are planning to do to escape." I say looking at Harry getting a nod from him to go on. "Mal and Evie are making a distraction, smoke bombs. Jay and Carlos are making.... a wand." After I say that Harry's eyes widen.

"Making a wand?" He asked surprised and I nod. "But how!?" He said walking closer to me. I feel my face get warmer and shrug. "Not sure... maybe with magic. Or are they just bringing the wand and just using smoke bombs for the escape? UGH!! I can't remember!" I shout quietly... I lied... I do know... they ARE making a fake wand...

"Hey... it's ok. Thank you for sharing with me...." he said nothing and leaned closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed when he finished his sentence, "... cutie." He said with a grin.

"Well, wanna go home?" He asked grabbing my hand. I slowly nod and we walk off. 'Harry makes me feel something... how do I describe it? I don't know.' I thought to my self but snapped out my thoughts when Harry just stoped making me bump into him.

"Umm... H-" I start to say but Harry puts his hand over my mouth and pushes me into a corner. "H-Harry?" I ask feeling my face heat up a bit. "Shhh..." he said putting a finger over his mouth.

"But why?" I whisper to him. "You want to see Reese's reaction to you and me together?" He asks. I shake my head. "What I thought." He said smiling slightly creepily.

"(Y/N)? Where are you!?" I hear Reese shout. 'What if she finds us together?' I ask in my head but Harry pushes me to go see her. "Go" he whispers and I nod and go to see the girl calling me.

[363 without the AN at the top lol]

OMGGG I MANAGED TO GET A CHAPTER OUT ON A MONDAY WOW OMGOMGOMG!!! I hope you liked ittt!!! Baiiiiiiii again sorry for anyone who wanted to keep a little white lieee~~~

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