Day One: The Start

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(Y/n) POV

It wasn't quite. Everyone but me and Harry were talking. I had a window seat so I was just looking outside of it the whole time. I don't really speak, but I listen. I was listening to the conversations everyone was having. There were no groups talking, but the everyone was talking together.

I could tell Harry was listening too. He was also in space (zoned out). They were talking about a lot of random stuff and telling jokes and laughing. I don't think hey cared about me or Harry. We didn't even try to join in. I knew it would end up a mess if we did.

There were trees, flowers, and mountains put the window along with hiking trails on a few of the smaller mountains or you could just call them hills.

"Almost there!" Ben said with a huge smile on his face. They started with puns and other jokes. I laughed a little at there jokes and Harry did the same.

I look out the window again to see that we are in a big area with a lot of trees. Another few minutes flew by and the limo stoped.

"Okay everyone, we're here!" Be said and the door opens for us to get out. Everyone rushed out. When I got out of the car, I saw a huge area with trees everywhere around it. There was also a big lake to the North and a sign that said "HIKING TRAILS THIS WAY!" In all caps to the South. All and all it was beautiful. No need to mention it... but there were some flowers too!

"Okay guys! We only have enough tents to have groups of two. Everyone get a partner and we will get started." Be said. Everyone got into partners and Harry was mine. It felt like we were the only ones that weren't a 'thing' because everyone's partners were close together. {teehee you don't know who is here •unless you are the person who gave the idea don't tellll•}

"Okay, (Y/n) you the the (F/c) •Favorite color• tent. I nod and look at Harry. "How do we put this together?" I ask Ben. "Oh yeah! You two are new to this. I'll go get Mal and we will teach you." He said and went off to go find Mal.

"Were do we want to put the tent?" I ask Harry. "Far away from the others" he said. He seemed annoyed with them. I nod and find a place not to far but not to close to them.

I saw Ben with Mal walking over to us. "Hey, this where you want to build?" Mal asks. Harry and I nod and the tow royals nod and start to teach us. {insert explanation of tent building here lol I mean it. It better be in the comments}

"Okay, thank you." I say as they walk away. I turn to see Harry holding two things. One in (F/c) and red (if red is your favorite color, yours is your second favorite color) "here they're sleeping bags." He said handing me the (f/c)/(s/f/c).

We go in the tent and put out the sleeping bags and grab our bags from the limo and put them int the tent too. We kinda just stayed in the tent talking until Evie opens up our tent and told us Ben wants us to swim.

"He wants us to swim? I don't know how to swim! I also don't want to get my clothes we." I say kinda confused to why he would want us to swim. "That's whey you are learning and we are getting a swimsuit." She said. She grabbed my hand then Harry's hand and led us out to where everyone was

"Okay, it's a short walk to go get the swimsuits and other things you may need or want and for you guys it's all free because of this trip." He said. Everyone got very excited. I was scared though... I don't know how to swim and what if I drown?! I doubt that Harry knows either.

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