New Room

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I nodded and Harry and Uma looked the each other then back at me with a smile." Well you can come live with us!"  They said happily. "Wait... really!?" I asked excitedly and they nodded.

"Okay let's go! Me, Harry, and Gil all have a house to ourselves but you can share one with me for now." Uma said while grabbing my hand. "Okay cool." I said and we all went to the the house.

"Nice place guys." I said looking around the place. "Thanks. Oh wait! We forgot your bed. Come one we need to go get it." Harry said and I nodded and led the way to my house.

We got there and had to use the key under the 'do not disturb' mat and I put it in the key hole and went up to my room. We took apart the bed. Harry and Gil were helping each other carry the bed part as Uma and I had the easier things to hold like blankets and pillows.

After a few minutes of us carrying stuff we got the the house and into the room. The boys but the bed on the opposite side of Uma's bed. Uma put my pillows down near it so I can make my bed.

"Thanks guys." Said and they nodded."Whenever someone is strong, we want them here." Uma said. The boys went to there room (they shared the room.) and I just put my pillows and blankets on my bed without really caring about it.

I lay down and that's when it hit me. "Uma? What about my cloths?" I ask. "We can get those tomorrow." She said
Well the cloths I was warring now were pretty comfortable." Okay." I said with a nod and lay my head down in my pillows and fell asleep.

Xx Next day xX

I wake up before anyone else and head outside. I walk around for a bit feeling the early air. The sun wasn't all the way up yet. Which I liked because it was dark. I went to high places and walked where most people wouldn't because they think they could fall. I didn't care I did it and didn't fall.

I did it some more times proofing people wrong. I did it until it happened... I fell... and died.

I woke up it was a dream. But still, I woke up before anyone, but this time I just lay in my bed. An hour passes until I hear someone come out of the boys room I walk out to see who it is. To my surprise it was Harry.

"Morning." Harry said as he turned around. "Good morning, Harry." I say as I walk up to him.
Good morning guys!! Told you I would do it early! So here! Sorry for it being short but no ideas have come from you guys so please tell me what you would like in this book I'm all ears for what you guys have to say! But for now this chapter was short just 460 words but bye!!

Also hoping I don't have to make a page just for an A/N so pleas tell me what things you may want in this book. Ok NOW good bye.

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