Royal Cotillion {Part 2} I Love You

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Quick AN~ sooo... quick warning. I've not been in the best mindset while writing this but it's a pretty long chappy. I gave my account name to a friend so she could read my book. I found out she wasn't a real friend and now I'm getting bullied for what I write by 4 people. I got pretty discouraged and couldn't find inspiration to write... then I thought about all of you guys who support me.. I'm happy I have you guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I love you.


(Y/n) POV

The next day, Mal and Evie knocked on our door. I hear Harry mumble, annoyed with the noise so early in the morning on a weekend. He walks up to the door as wiped the sleep from his eyes. "Mm.. hey... Mal, Evie. What's up? What are you doing her so early in the morning?" He asks, still tired.

"Hey, Harry! Also, it's 11:30. Evie has your outfits made. They match... so... you two will look good together. Also, Cotillion starts at 7:30 and it ends at 10:30." I hear Mal say. Harry nods.

"Here are the outfits!" Evie says handing Harry our outfits. Harry nods again and closes the door.

He hangs the outfits up in a closet and falls on the bed and cuddles close to me again.

"Harry, we should start getting ready." I mumble with my eyes closed. He moves around a bit and then I feel nothing on the bed next to me. I look over to see Harry grabbing his cloths and a towel and other things for a bath/shower.

I lay on the middle of the bed with my arms and legs spread out. I stare at the ceiling with a blank look on my face. I don't pay much attention so I don't know how much time went by.

By the time I snapped out of my trance because of the ceiling, Harry was cuddled next to me with wet hair. I look over at him and frown. "Hmm? What's the frown for, love?" He asks.

"Your hair." I say blankly. He looks at me confused. "Go get a towel you dunce." I say and look back up at the ceiling. I hear a grunt but he gets up and grabs a towel. He throws it at me. "Come sit." I ordered. He obeyed and sat down. I started drying his hair.

Once I finish I get up, grab clothes, and a fresh towel. I walk to the bathroom and get undressed. I run a bath/shower. I hop in and clean my hair and body.

I get out the shower/bath and dry off. I put on cloths that are comfortable and dry my hair, I leave the room and flop on the bed.

After a short nap I see that the time is 5:20 PM. I notice Harry is watching the television and I see that it's showing some of the camping trip. 'That was filmed? What the-- oh my goodness...' I grumble. Harry turns to see me awake and mad. He chuckled as he turned off the television and sat next to me.

"What's wrong, love?" He asks with a smile. I grumble again and look at him. I'm still tired so if I say something it won't come out like perfect English. I point at the television and grumble. "What? Oh. The camping thing?" He asks. I nod.

He smiles. "Wanna hug?" He asks. I didn't move. I blushed lightly. He took it as a yes and cuddle next to me. I smile lightly and nuzzle into his chest. "I'm happy to see that cute little smile on your face." He says. I mumble in embarrassment. He chuckles lightly.

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