Telling Ben

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V (do I even have to say it?)

We keep walking until we see Reese.

"Hey you two~" Reese says grinning at me then looking to Harry marking me blush. "Hey, Reese, how are you?" Harry asks. "Meh... could be better. How about you two?" She asks grinning. "Umm... I-I'm fine..." I say blushing slightly. "You sure?" She asks her grin slowly leaving her face. "Mmhmm" I say with a nod.

"Mk... well I need to borrow (Y/N) for a moment. Do you mind Henry?" She said making me giggle because she said Henry instead of Harry. "Not my name, but okay. Bye-Bye~" Harry says grinning at me.

"So... getting pretty close, hmm?" Reese asks me with a grin. "W-what?! What makes you think that we're just friends nothing more!" I say fast. My face is heating up. "Mmhmm... sure... just friends..." she said with a giggle.

"Yes! Just friends! Nothing more!" I yell quietly because of people walking by. "So... if I ask Harry... what would he say?" She asked with a small grin slowly becoming bigger. "He would say the same thing." I say turning away from her.

"Well.... okay then.... should I walk you to the fish and chip shop?" She ask her grin leaving her face. I nod and we walk and talk about things as we walk there.

-a few moments later-

We make it to the shop and walk in to see Harry and Gil talking. Reese goes to sit at a table and I follow her. "So do you want me to go get you food?" I ask before I sit down. "Nah." She said shaking her head. "Okay well imma go get some fries." I say before walking off.

I go to the back and see a bag of fries and take them. I didn't steel them. There was a note with my name on it. So it's mine.

I walk out and sit at the table with Reese. "(Y/N)! Come here for a second!" I hear Uma yell from outside. I go to where I heard her voice. "Sup Uma?" I ask leaning on the shop. "Go feed Ben, for some odd reason he trusts you the most." She said handing a tray of food. I nod and walk down the stairs.

I walk until I find Ben's sell. "Ben." I say to catch his attention. He turns around. "Hey, (Y/N)! Do you have any news?" He ask happy to see me. "Yup and food, but not so loud. They can hear you." I say in a whisper. He nods and I slide his food into his sell.

"So Mal is planning to give Uma a fake wand with Carlos and Jay using their 3D printer. And Evie and Mal are making smoke bombs for a distraction and then we leave." I say in a whisper. "Okay cool." Ben says while eating.

"Hey, can we bring Reese? She is a cool friend to me." I say hopefully. He nods and right before he could say anything Uma yells. "(Y/N)! Come on what is taking so long come up here, NOW!" She yells. I say goodbye and go to where Uma is.

I also... see... Harry?

[544 words]

Hewwo guys! Sorry for not posting yesterday! I'm still really busy rn with a project so yeahhhh.... welp good bai...

[for the person who is in charge of Reese]

Do you want Reese together with anyone? Like love? Or something? I'd love to know!

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