The Royal Cotillion {part 1}

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Sorry about the photo XD


I had to wake up early because of Evie and Mal. They said something about doing something important or whatever. Harry is asleep so I now have to struggle my way out his grip.


He HAS to have some kind of death grip. I can't leave. I look at my clock to see that's it's 6:25 in the morning.
'Darn the two are coming to get me at 6:30.'

I start to panic and that's when I realize Harry's eyes are open. "Harry let go now!" I yell at him. "Mm? Why?" He whispers tiredly. "Evie and Mal are coming at 6:30 so I have to be ready. Just, please?" I ask. I hear a grumble and he lets go. "Thanks Harry!" I say while grabbing {random Cloths} and rushing to the bathroom.

AT 6:30

I hear a knock at the door and open to see Mal and Evie. Before I could say a single word the two pull me outside the room and drag me to theirs. "Uhh... Guys? What are we doing so early and why is it so important?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"You'll see!" Evie says with a wide smile. "But, before we start anything, you have to promise you'll go." Mal said slowing down as we got to their room. "Uhh... okay? I will." I say confused. "No, you have to promise." Mal said as we stopped to open the door slowly. "Uhh.... okay. I promise."

"Okay! Evie open up the door!" Mal says getting behind me. As the door open my eyes widen to see so many fabrics and other things. I couldn't see much because mal pushed me into the room and locked the door. "Guys... what's going on?" I ask nervous.

"We're going to get you ready for the Royal Cotillion!" Evie says as she leads me to a lot of fabrics neatly placed on a rack. "Pick ANY color you want." Evie says with a kind but slightly evil smile. "Uhh... okay." I say. I feel all the fabrics and I see a (F/C) {Favorite Color} and it is (F/F) {Favorite Fabric}. "Umm... this one." I say pointing to the beautiful fabric.

"Okay." Evie says and nods. "Good for you, I have a lot of this fabric." She said. I nod. "Okay! Let's get those measurements." Evie says. She pulls out measuring tape and starts to measure me.

A Few Moments Later

"Okay! All measured! We can do other things for the dress if you'd like." Evie said. I shook my head no. "Do what ever you want E." I say with a smile. Evie nods happily. Right before I leave, Evie grabs my arm. "(Yn), do me a favor please. Can you get Harry?" Evie asks with a light smile. I nod and head out to my room.

I knock on the door and hear a light 'come in'. I walk in to see Harry playing one of the games on TV. "Hey, Yn." He says as he turns to look at me. "Hey. So, I need you to come with me, okay?" I ask. He looks at me confused but nods anyway. He gets up and we walk to mMal and Evie's room. Right before I knock on the door I turn to Harry. "Good luck!"

He looks at me confused but as I knock on the door and it opens.... he disappears. I giggle and walk to my room. I look at the TV to see my sister eating with some princess. I roll my eyes and pull out a book.

A Few Moments Later

"How dare you." I hear Harry say as he walks over to me without knocking on the door. "'How dare' I what?" I ask innocently. "Why didn't you tell me I had to promise to go to this 'Royal Cotillion' thing?! And I had to get measured AND I have to dress-up for it!" He yells annoyed. I giggle and he sits down on the bed I'm sitting on.

"Well, now you have to do me a favor." Harry says with a smirk.

"Umm... okay." I say nervous.

"You have to go to the Royal Cotillion with me." He says.

I sigh.

"Okay! I will."

716 words

Hullo guys! Sorry I didn't update some family things have been happening. So... uhh Happy Easter! And I'm going to go read my manga. Bye-bye!

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