Day Four: Campfire

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Okay so thank you for the 104 followers 2k votes and 80k reads!! I want you all to know that I love you! Read the AN at the bottom for a Christmas thing! If you don't read it, you will be missing out! Love you and here we go!

I woke up like every other morning, early and with Harry's arm wrapped around my body. The morning was coldish but not too bad.

I walk out of our tent and look for the bunny <the vote was for snow>. After a few minutes I began to lose hope, but she then hopped out of a bush coming over to me. "Hello, Snow." I said with a smile.

He hopped into my lap and I began to pet her. She was very warm, fluffy, and soft.

After a few minutes other people began waking up and going outside their tents. Harry scared me when he got out of the tent because he almost tackled me and Snow.

"Harry! Watch it! You could have hurt me and Snow!" I whisper yelled. "Sorry, (Y/n) and Snow geez... don't have to yell at me." Harry said.

"Yeah, yeah. How was your sleep?" I ask going back to pet Snow, who was now sleeping. "It was okay... nice dream." He said with a smile. I look over at him with a slight smirk. "What was it about?" I ask.

He didn't say anything. "I'm hungry." I said and picked up Snow and put her in the warmth of our tent. I then zipped it until I knew she could get out if she wanted. I look back at Harry to see that he has a plate of food and is eating. "Wow Harry. Just couldn't wait, could you?" I ask giggling slightly.

He smiled and went back to eating. I sigh and go over to where the food is. They had (F/B/F)! (Favorite Breakfast Food)
I got a plate of it and sat next to Mal. "Hey, Mal." I said as I sat next to her. "This spot taken?" I ask with a smile. "Yup. By you." Mal said with a wide smile.

That smile turned into a smirk. "What's with that smirk?" I ask with a frown. "How's Harry? You two seem to be hanging out a lot. Wanna tell me what happened when we left, Y/n?" She asked inching closer.

I felt my face heat up. "W-what do you m-mean? N-nothing happened when you l-left." I said waving my hands around. "Geez, Y/n, don't have to hide it from anyone." I hear a voice behind me.

I turn to see


"I'm not hiding anything!" I say. "Mmhmm... suuuurrrreeee you're not." Evie grinned. "So how are you Y/n? Have you been, you know, evil? Like. At all?" Mal asked slightly nervous. "Well, sorta... when I was on the Isle, yeah, but here, no." I say putting some food in my mouth afterwards.

"Okay, good. I'm glad you haven't been evil while being here." Mal stated smiling, putting some of her food in her mouth. "Why do you ask?" I ask putting more food in my mouth. "Just checking..." Mal trailed off. "Uhh... okay." I say finishing my food.

"Okay, everyone! You can do whatever you want but be back around 6:30!" Ben said with a wide smile. I sigh and get up walking into the tent to see Snow sleeping. I start to pet her as Mal and Evie walk into the tent looking disappointed with me. "Yeah, yeah, what.." I say not turning because I felt their gaze on my back.

"Oh, come on, Y/n! You have to do something other than sit in here the whole time!" Evie said sitting next to me. "Ben said we can do whatever we want, this is what I wanna do." I say crossing my arms. "Mal, go get Harry. He somehow gets her to do anything." Evie said loudly, scaring Snow out of the tent.

"Okay." Mal said with a sigh and left the tent.

Not even two minutes later, Mal walks into the text with Harry looking upset with me. "Nope. Not allowed to stay in here." Harry said walking up to me. "Yeah I am! Who are you to tell me I'm not." I say looking away with my arms crossed. Harry sighs,"Mal, Evie, could you please go?" I look up at them to see them nod and walk out.

Before Mal walked out she gave me a wink and a slight smirk. "Humph... go do something because I'm not leaving." I say. He smirks and sits next to me and turns me to look at him. "Y/n, I'm going to get you out of this tent if it's the last bing I do." He says looking at me with a serious face.

He ten smirks and leans in closer to me. "U-uhh... I WILL GET OUT THE TENT!!" I yell getting out of his grip and running out of the tent. "Good." Harry says patting my head with a smile. "Jerk." I say. "Mmhmm.. say whatever you want. I won in the end." Harry says with a smirk.

"Nice job, Harry." I hear Mal say. I sigh and go into the tent to get dressed. "I'm getting dressed, don't come in!" I yell.

I change into my bathing suit and put shorts and a tank top over it. The bathing suit is just in case I feel like swimming.

I walk out to see Harry. "Cool, wanna go swim?" He asks. I sigh and let him lead me to the lake. I took off my shorts and tank top and put them on a rock near the lake but not close enough for them to get wet because of the lake.

Harry picks me up and starts running into the lake. I was confused for a minute but then realized what was happening but I realized to late. He jumped into the lake with me in his arms.

We pop out of the water at the same time. He starts laughing and I start to laugh slightly. "Okay! See! This wasn't that bad!" Harry said laughing. "Want me to show you how to swim some more?" He asks my because I was only slightly out of the water until he lifts me out of the water by my waist. I nod. For the rest of that time he showed me how to swim.


It was 6:15 and we got called to go back to the camp. When we walked back to the camp there was a fire and they were cooking on it and sitting on benches around the fire. 'Where did they even get those benches?' I thought to myself very confused. I quickly went to get dressed in clothes that I would sleep in.

I walked back out to see everyone sitting around the fire eating food. I walked over and sat next to Harry and put food on a stick thing and started to cook food.

>_> Another time skip <_<

After everyone ate, we told stories and then played Truth or Dare. <we all know where where is going> I have never played the game before but I thought it would be fun.

"Ben, truth or dare!" A girl with brown hair.

"Uhh.. truth?" Ben said more of a question.

"Ugh.. do you still have feelings for me?" He asks with a hint of flirt in her voice.

"For the last time, Audrey, I don't love you." Ben said 'Audrey? Okay.' I think to myself.

"Okay! Y/n, truth or dare?" Be asks looking at me.

"Umm... Truth/Dare." I respond.

Truth: Is it true you like Harry?
Dare: Sit on Harry's lap for five turns.
1319 words!

Okay so thank you for everything and merry Christmas! Here is the big gift thing! So I will be taking OCs or just drawing suggestions from here to the last day of January! Please know I'm not the best at art but I love you and this is also a thank you gift for everything. ILY <3 xoxo~ okay bye. I'm a bit sick. So sorry and bye!!!!

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