Welcome to Auradon!

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I hear an open and close coming from the limo. 'Okay so they opens the front doors or the trunk' I think to myself. I hear it close and Evie and Carlos open to two car doors to see me and Harry.

"Good you two are safe!" Evie says with a big smile. My face is still heated up from what happened earlier... yeah. The two didn't seem to notice though.

They set down in the seat across from us, leaving a space next to them. I then see Mal and Ben come through the doors. And, of course, Mal notices my blushing face and smirks at me. The two sit down across from me and Harry like Carlos and Evie.

"So what happened out there?" I ask them. "Oh, nothing really, just a huge fight." The dog says. 'Wait. Dog. Says. Oh yeah the magic!' I think to myself.

"When does that talking spell go away?" I ask Mal. "Oh... about that. Yeah that dog could talk. Before coming here." She says laughing a small bit. "What? How?" I ask looking at the dog. "A truth gummy. For some reason Carlos needed one. And Dude ate it and began to talk." Mal says. "Oh, okay." I respond. 'Sounds like Mal.' I think.

I look at Harry and see that he is zoned out. I don't do anything. I wonder what he is thinking though. "So, (Y/N), what was it like on the Isle when we left?" Evie asked. "Nothing when you left, but when you guys didn't come back that's when everything went downhill." I giggle. "People started to hate you. I never did. You guys are my best friends." I say with a smile.

"I'm glad you weren't mad, (Y/N)." Carlos said with a smile.

The limo started to move, and it kinda startled me. "Oh, yeah, who was that other girl. She wasn't a villain's daughter so she was from Auradon. Who's kid is she?" I ask. "Oh, Lonnie! She is Mulan's daughter." Evie responds. I nod.

*smol time skip brought to you by Lonnie and her sword skills*

The limo had come to a stop. I have no idea how, but Harry was zoned out the whole ride! I snapped my fingers by his ear and he jumped slightly. "Hmm? Are we here?" He asked confused. I nod and giggle at how clueless he is. "Sorry, I was zoned out the whole time. What happened?" He asked. "Nothing really, just talked about a few things. What did you think about?" I ask.

"Nothing really just about how I think Auradon will be like." He said with a small smile. "Hey you two coming out anytime soon?" I hear Mal and Evie ask from outside the car. "Yup coming out the car now!" I yell in response. As Harry and I hop out the limo, Mal smirks at me and mouths 'your welcome.' I tilt my head in confusion and she giggles.

"Okay, well Mal and I thought, since you two are the only two new villains, you two will share a room together." Ben states. I glare at Mal and she starts to giggle again. 'So Harry and I have to SHARE a room TOGETHER BY OURSELVES?!' I scream in my head. I don't do anything.

"Okay! Carlos can you please show these two their room and tomorrow, because it will be Saturday, can you please take them to look around the school?" Ben asks/says. Carlos nods and starts to leave. Before I could leave Mal walks up to me. "Have fun~ I know how much you like him~" she says and walks away. I get angry and walk quickly to catch up to Harry and Carlos.

624 words

Hello! Wow big twist, huh? Did anyone think THIS would happen? Welp I hope you enjoy your room with Harry~ the next chapter will be... cute? Pfft idk lol have fun thinking of what imma do next! And WOW look at that! I updated on a SCHOOL night. Well I got to go! Byeeee~~~

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