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(Y/N)'s P.O. V.

"Good morning, Harry." I say as I walk up to him. "How did you sleep?" Harry asked."I did ok. How about you Hook?" I say in response. "Heh... well I only had one dream." He said and my eyes lit up. "Oohh!! Really?! Tell me about it!" I say and Harry looks at me nervously. "Uhh... I don't know if that's a good idea, (Y/N)..." he said.

"Awww come on Harry! Aren't we friends?" I ask/say. "Well yeah but-" he get cut off my Uma walking up behind me. "Morning Harry, (Y/N)." she said. "And a very good morning to you Uma. How did you sleep?" I ask. "Mehh same as always." She answers.

"Where's Gil?" I ask Harry. "Still asleep... want me to wake him?" Harry asks Uma and she nods." Yup we have to head off to the shop." Uma said I nodded and went to change.

" Uma said I nodded and went to change

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"Well I'm ready." I say as I walk out the door. "Okay well you head to the shop and we will see you there." Uma yells as I walk out. Soon after Harry runs up to me and puts his around me and I blushed.

"So, Harry here to me my 'knight in shining armor?'" I asked as a joke. Harry laughed." Don't think I ever could lass. I'm your pirate here because Uma said not to let you get in trouble." Harry also said as a joke

" Harrrrryyyyyy...." I say trying to annoy him. "Whhhhhaaaattttttt???" He asked and I giggled." Arreee weeee almostttt thereee???" I ask." Yeeeessssss." He said and BOOM right there we were back at the shop. We walk in and no one is there.

"Are we early to the party?" I asked surprised because I've never seen this place so empty... "yup! So we can loosen up some of the bolts in the chars." Harry said mischievously. "No, Harry, I don't want to hurt somebody..." I said. "Awwww (Y/Nnnn) you're no funnnn..." he said with a pout

... "No, Harry, its final. Your pout can't change my mind." I said looking away. "Ughhh fiineee what will it take? I'll let you hold my hook? How about that?" He ask trying to make a deal with me."Hmmm... fineee just two though." I say taking his hook and offer. "Yes!" He whispered to himself and did it to two of the chairs.

"See? That wasn't so bad. So I want my hook back." Harry said holding his hand out to take it. "Nope! You have to come take it from me I said bopping his nose with my finger right before I run off. "(Y/N)! Get back here with my hook!" I hear Harry yell. "Up here~" I say he turns around and I smirk.

"How did you even get up there?" Harry asked scratching his head. "It wouldn't be much of a secret if I told you now would it?~"I ask him with a huge mischievous smirk on my face. "UGHH you and your cute smirk..." Harry says trying to look for a way up to me.

Cute? Did Harry just call me cute? Oh no am blushing now.

"Boo!" I hear a voice behind me and it's Harry I spaced out because he called me cute- No snap out of it brain. "Come on (Y/N) hand it over~ you lost fair and square~" Harry said mischievously with HIS cute smirk on his face.

"No thanks~" I says as I jump off and land on my feet and go somewhere else that was a high place. "Are you some sort of cat?" Harry asked I shake my head. "Although it may seem like it I do believe that there is no cat part of me."

"Imma call you kitty now (Y/N)!" Harry said from the ground. "What if I take you on a date kitty? Then will you give me my hook? We can leave a note for Uma and Gil. They would take about an hour anyway." Harry said I blushed bright red and I felt my face burn up because he wanted ME to go on a DATE with him.
Awww~~~ look at these two cute cinnamon rolls <3 to cute. Anyway the next chapter you and Harry can get all lovey dovey with each other 😜 I fell like a few of you were waiting for this part. Anyway this book was 698 words long and I hope you enjoyed it! I feel asleep at 12 last night and woke up at 4 in the morning so imma head off to sleep... night. Wait anyone else want to speak?

Lucy: Author~Chan? You are letting us speak? Or well me?

Me: I mean yeah... sure go ahead....

Lucy: yay! I write all the lovey dovey parts so I am READY for the next chapter!! AHH I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR 2K reads!!!


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