The Walk to Mal's

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(Y/N) P.O.V (don't think it's a surprise)

'What if we can't do this'

I ask to myself walking upstairs and I turn to my right to see Harry. "How long are you going to have to be with him?" He ask with a slight bit of.... anger? "Umm... I don't know... why do you care?" I ask. He looks at me with anger, "you of all people should know. I know you have to bring him food but why were you down there for so long?"

I look back down the stairs. "Well we're both in this together, right?" I ask Harry. "When you say that, do you mean  getting them all out of this mess?" Harry asks with a slight smile. I nod and look down. Right then and there I realized he didn't have his coat on. I blush a bit and I think he realized.

"You're cute when u blush (Y/N)~" he teased and started to walk off with a whistle. I stop him and jump on his back like he was giving me a piggyback ride. "Get off please, (Y/N)." He said kinda annoyed. "Nope you are taking me to see Mal. Even if you don't want to." I say not getting off.

"Ugh... fine... where do we go first.." Harry said in defeat. "Let's go to where we first met all four of them." I says pointing to the direction of where we met all four of them. He doesn't move. "Harry, come on..." I say pouting. "Uhh get off?" He ask more like a question than a demand. "Nope!" I say as I lay on his hair, which I just realized he didn't have his hat on.

"Hey Harrrry?" I ask. He hummed in response. "Why don't you have you're coat and hat on?" I ask playing with his hair. "Meh didn't feel like getting them from the back." He said as we walked over to see Mal. "Do you think Evie, Jay, and Carlos will all be there?" I ask still playing with his hair. "Maybe." He said as he started to pick up the pace and that started to turn into running.

"Harry! What are you running?" I ask him while I giggle. "Well it's getting late and Uma wants us home in a hour and a half." He said and I nod in response

"Should I tell him about Ben wanting to take us to Auradon? Hmm..."

"Harry I..." I say and he hummed in response. "I-I..."
[420 works]
•Please read•

Do you want to tell Harry or wait? Teehee :3 imma make the next chapter in both ways BUT only publish one today. And I'll also make different chapters and not post all of them because I need something for tomorrow. You have until 5:30 to comment what you want. But for now~ bye~

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