The Plan

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"I-I..." I say. I hear Harry chuckle at me and it gets me kinda mad. I breath in and out. "Harry... Ben as invited us to go to Auradon.... once he gets out of this mess... and I was hoping you would come with us?" I ask he stops running and turns to me with a grin.

"Really? He did? Well let's get him out this mess shall we?" He ask and made me nod and giggle.

•~smol time skip~•

We make it to Mal's hideout thing we used when we were younger. "Harry put me down. I think they won't want to see you with me." He puts me down and I throw a rock at the sign and go up. Before I go up I hear Harry whisper something. I didn't know what he said so I just kept going.

"Mal? Evie? Jay? Carlos?" I yell all their names looking for them. A few seconds later Mal pops from around the corner and tells me to follow her. "H-hey guys!" I say while they all stare at me.

"Hello (Y/N)." Jay and Carlos said. Evie stayed silent and looked like she was thinking.

I could just see the light bulb going off in her head. "(Y/N)! You are a pirate right?" She asked very excited. I nod and giggle at her excitement. "You can tell and show us where Ben, so we don't have to give the magic wand to Uma!" She said happily. I look down.

"Do you like Uma more then us?" They all said sadly. I shook my head, "no you goofs. It's just that... Ben invited Harry, Gil, and I to Auradon?" I said as a question more than a statement. "Harry and Gil? But why?" Mal ask and I shrug. "I don't know... maybe he doesn't want me to be the only new one? Not sure." I say.

"Well, we thought of an idea. But you may need to help out a bit, can you?" Mal asks. I nod for her to go on. "So Jay and Carlos are going to Auradon to print a fake want with their 3D printer." Mal said. My eyes lit up, my sister was always so smart and clever I nod for her to keep talking. "Evie and I are going to Dizzy's place and are going to make smoke bombs for a distraction." She said smiling at me.

"Where do I come in?" I ask with a giggle. "You have to make sure that Harry and Gil are good. Can you try to do that?" She asks. I nod. "Well imma get going now. Goodbye." I says before I walk down the stairs.

I make it down stairs and see Harry. "So what happened?" Harry asked. 'I don't want to tell him... so I won't... yeah (Y/N) SOOO smart...' I think to myself. "Hello? Evil to (Y/N)!" Harry said before snapping his fingers at me. "Huh?" I ask. He chuckles. "Come on let's go. We have about a half hour before need to be home." He said while grabbing May and and we walk off.

'I don't know if I should tell Harry... he is still a bit bad... maybe I'll tell him... oh but if he is bad... he would just... UGHH I don't want to hid anything but I don't want to give away secrets...I don't know...' I think to myself.
[578 words]
•~•Please read•~•
I'm sorry but I posted it early bc I can't post it later. Okay... now you guys have a heard choice. If you tell Harry you might be putting you and your friends in some danger. But if you don't not much will happen... .-. But I hope you guys make a good choice 😈😈😈 I would say I'm hoping for only one choice... which I kinda am.. but I want to make this a bit more community based... ALSO!! You may or may not confess something *cough*

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