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{Quick AN: so I know that when they come back from the Isle it goes straight to the party thing on the boat but in this I'm going to make it so that the party isn't going on until a week. Okay bye}
^Please read this AN^

(Y/N) POV WOW! Did anyone see that comin

"Okay what are we going to do?" Harry asks sitting up from my bed. "uhhh... I dunno, what do you want to do?" i ask turning my head. He smirks and i become very confused. "What's with that smirk?" i ask.

He grabs m arm and pushes me onto my bed. "Cuddle." He answers pulling the covers over us and pulling me close to him. I. Am. Blushing. Really. Bad.

"U-Umm... Heh... Let's not s-stay in b-bed all d-day." I say trying to fet out of his grip. "Nah. I'm fine right here." He says and then I hear a low chuckle in my ear, making me blush more.

"You're heart beat is really fast..." Harry whispers into my ear. "S-shut up..." I say back annoyed but blushing.

"Okay... good night~" Harry says and his grip around me becomes tighter. I hear mumbles coming from Harry. 'Is he really asleep?' I ask myself. His grip becomes slightly looser. I turn my head to see Harry's eyes closed and his mouth slightly open.

'He's kinda cute when he sleeps... wait a minute... what?' I think to myself then I start to blush. I start to get sleepy and I soon fall asleep with Harry next to me.

•about and hour later•

I open my eyes and see Harry sat up on the bead looking at the TV. "Mmhmm" I mumble waking up slightly. "Morning sleepyhead." I hear Harry say but he keeps looking at the TV.

"Sleepyhead? Your the one who fell asleep and wouldn't let me get up!" I yell waking up completely. "Woah... someone woke up quick! And grumpy." He said mumbling the last part. "I know what you said!" I tell again. He chuckles at me and turns his head to look at me.

I look into his eyes and I feel like I got hypnotized by them. He shakes and hand by my face and I blink. 'I zone out to much' I think to myself. I hear him chuckle. "You like my eyes, (Y/N)?" He asks looking into my (E/C) ones with us blue ones. I blush and look away. "Shut up and let's go do something. I want to go to the flower garden!" I say getting excited.

He chuckles and looks at me up and down. "You really wanna go out like that?" He asks. "I look down to see myself in my pajamas. "I'll go change." I say grabbing cloths and going into the bathroom to change.

'I can't wait to go to the flower garden! It looked so pretty when Carlos was taking us around. I am so super excited!'

454 words without AN at start

Eyyyy!!! How y'all doin? Okay so I would have posted but I'm busy with projects and blehhh... and family stuff... anywho! I have to go bye bye!!!
Lots of love,

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