Gil has News.

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"You guys need to leave this place." I said to the wanting them to be safe.
"(Y/N) we are not leaving until we get Mal and bring her back." Jay said trying to push me aside gently."Okay fine but if one of you guys gets taken tell me. I work with them and I would know things." I said while glancing over to Ben then back to my three friends. The nodded in agreement and walked off.

I watched them closely, mostly Ben, ten I see Gil and see them stop to speak to him.... well he stopped them. I stayed back not wanting Gil to tell Uma or Harry that I was near them. Then someone walks up behind me and taps my shoulder lightly. I jump and quickly turn around only to see Reese.

"You're jumpy today. Is there a problem? I don't have to be here." She said. I shook my head, "Nope I'm fine. Do you need anything?" I ask and she shook her head. "Do you wanna go to the fish and chip shop?" Reese asked. I nodded and we went the opposite way of where the other five were. I turn to see the other four run away and Gil just stand there.

I grab Reese's hand and run to the shop. "Woah! (Y/N)! Slow your roll! Are you sure nothing's up?" She asked. I stop and look at her and giggle."Nope... just wanna see if you can keep up with me." I said with a smirk. "Is that a challenge?" She asked returning the same smirk. I nodded and started running to the shop she then chased after me.

~Smol time skip brought to you by Gil~

We made it to the shop and I won. "I... win!" I said breathing heavily. "Cheater..." she mumbled. I got my breath back and we walked into the shop. There were a few people but Harry and Gil were not there. Uma came out from the back and walked up to us. "Reese? What are you doing here?" Uma asked a bit surprised. "(Y/N) brought me. Place hasn't changed." She said as she looked around and nodded.

"(Y/N) I need to snatch you for a moment." I hear a voice behind me and I feel a tug. I turn to see Harry trying to drag me out side. I end up following him and he takes me to the back of the shop.

"(Y/N) I know you are going to hate me for asking you this but I need to ask you." He started. I nodded for him to keep talking and he did. "Uma knows that we know something... she just doesn't know what we know. She is going to want us to tell her sooner or later and if she does I want your permission to tell her about Mal." My eyes widen as he spoke. I shook my head, "No! Not unless you REALLY have to." I tell him and he nods.

We walk back in and Reese grabs my arm and she takes me to a table with no one sitting at it. "So... what did you and Harry do hmmm?~" she asked teasing me. "Nothing... we just talked about something...." I said looking at her in the eyes. "Oh really?~ like what?~" she asked mischievously. "Nothing you need to know about." I snapped at her making her grin. "Hmm... okay fine." She said sitting down at the table. I sat with her and then Uma came over.

"Do you two want anything?" She asked us as if she was a waitress. We shook our heads and she smiled, "Good, I don't need to give you food." She said as she walked off. Reese and I laughed.

We talked for a bit 'till Gil runs in yelling, "Uuumaa!! I have something you would really love to hear!"
[656 words]
Hewwo guys!!! I will make one more tonight. But remember that will be the last one until Friday. And if I post Monday-Thursday it will be very lucky but I doubt that I will be able to do that. Until tonight, bye<3

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