Why is he here?

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(YN)'s P.O.V

After the whole thing with Harry I go to my room and see that Uma isn't there. "Hey, Harry?" I ask as I walk up to Harry. "Hmm?" He hummed in response. "Where is Uma? She isn't in the room..." I said. "Hmm... not sure I think she said she was heading out somewhere." Harry said walking to the other room. "Wait! You didn't tell her about.... Mal.... right?" I ask. He ruffled my hair and shook his head, "nope."

I smile and walk back to the room. It was getting late so I showered and got in some pajamas. I hopped into bed and snuggled up under the blankets and fell asleep.

~Time skip to morning~

I wake up and rub my tired eyes. I look and see Uma still asleep. I grab some cloths and go to the bathroom to change.

~You choose cloths because I'm lazy but you have a pirate hat~

I walk out and realize that it's a bit early and I didn't see anyone awake. 'Hmm probably because the sun is not up al the way yet...' I think to myself.

Instead of waiting for someone to get up, I walk out the front door and feel the cool breeze. I walk around a bit until the sun goes completely up.

I walk back to the house and see Uma just getting up. "How long have you been awake, (Y/N)?" She asked. "Not to long... a little before the sun went up completely." I said with a smile. "Where did you go?" She asked. I thought back to the walk and shook my head, "no where cool... just took a walk. Wanted to feel the cool breeze." I say walking to a chair and take a seat.

Soon after that Harry and Gil walk out there rooms. "Morning you two." I said with a smile. "Morning." They both said. "I made food for everyone. Uma had hers and is in our room if you need her." I said looking at them as they nodded. "Thanks (Y/N)." Harry said. Gil didn't say anything because he was busy shoving food in his mouth.

"I'm heading out guys. Where do we meet up later? Here or the chip shop?" I ask as I put my shoes on. "Umm... the shop later at like 2:00pm. We will be there earlier then that if you need us but be back at 2, ok?" Uma said walking out our room. I nodded and walked out.

I walked for a little bit when I found Evie, Jay, and Carlos... along with another boy... I walk up behind them and scare them.

"Boo!" I yell making all four of the jump. "Who's the- (Y/N)? (Y/N) is that you!?" Evie, Jay, and Carlos all ask. "The one and only. Who's that?" I ask pointing to the other boy. "Ohh.. uhh.. this is Ben." They say in a whisper. My eyes widen, "Why would you bring him here!?" I whisper yell. "Mal came here... and we need to get her back." Ben said. "That doesn't explain the fact that the KING was here." I say getting angry because they could all be in danger.
[538 words]
Hewwo guys!! I hope you guys are enjoying this  book and I love all of you<3 I will make one, (or two) more then u want get anything 'till Friday because of school... I'm sorry that I have to do this and leave you with nothing for 4 days... but if we are all lucky I can have time to do books during the week... I do a lot on the weekends now so you guys have a lot but... I love you guys and see u and like 2 hours :P

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