Curiosity Kills... Right?

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Your parents had warned you not to leave the house at night. In fact, the town itself forbid it. The elders told tales of the people who entered the woods at night that never came back. Yet... no one has gone missing for centuries. Some townspeople think whatever this creature was that took these people is already dead, but they couldn't risk it either way.

The elders described the creature as the Devil's beast. They say it hungers for children the most. It supposedly has two razor spiked sets of teeth, hundreds of times sharper than a great white's.

There's no one alive who has gotten a glimpse of this monster, so nobody really knows what it actually looks like. We can only trust the elders words and their stories of our ancestors.

Every night you'd stay up and look out your window into the forest and watch for the monster. You sadly have gotten no luck whatsoever for the past decade. That was... until tonight.

You did your usual looking out the window. You became thirsty and needed water. You're not supposed to go downstairs at this certain time, but your parents weren't home, and you'd be quick.

So you raced downstairs and got a drink of water. As you drank, you felt the floor shake. The first thing you thought was an earthquake was occurring, and quickly raced under the table. But once the shakes stopped, you realized it was more of a thud like a stomp than a vibration that an earthquake would cause.

"Wait a minute... could that of been..."

You dashed upstairs and looked out your window to see what could've caused the stomps. You notice some trees suddenly look bent, and others way off in the distance are smushed into the ground.

You put on your neon green hoodie and stuffed a random flashlight on your stand into your pocket. Along with this, you pulled up some comfy black sweatpants, and head out the back door.

It wasn't until walked at least a mile into the forest where you finally reached some of the crushed trees. It seemed to have made a path... like footprints. As being curious like you were, you followed to see where they went.

The tracks stopped in a field of tall grass with a pond to the right of you. This was the pond the elders told of in one of their stories. A kid was fishing with their father in the pond, when the monster came out of the forest. It forcefully drowned them, and took them away, leaving their boat shattered to sink to the bottom of the pond.

After this event occurred, the dirt path that led to the pond was supposedly removed, and it was then banned from being used ever again.

You walked towards the pond to look at yourself. Your face had cuts and bruises from the bullies at school. Your hair was loose and frizzy in the pony you had it in. Your sweatpants had dirt and dust on them. The only thing that was clean was your neon green hoodie, which was surprisingly spotless.

You turned on your flashlight and turned around to freeze. Was that... flesh?

You slowly moved your light along the flesh to realize this was pale skin. In fact, it looked like the shape of an arm. Your flashlight stopped at what you could only guess was the shoulder of this thing. It was wearing clothing- just like a human's.

You slowly approached towards the head. The first thing your flashlight shone upon was an ear. It was a tiny bit more pointy than a usual human's, but still very comparable. It also looked like it had surprisingly been pierced before.

The next thing your flashlight caught onto was its hair. At first, it was brown- mostly around the side of the head, but then slowly shifted into a dark green color to the very top.

You repeated the process all the way around the other side to it being a match. This was no ordinary creature. This was no ordinary monster. This was a giant.

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