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Suggested By ynotcats

Jack scurried across the floor and ducked underneath a pile of scrapped papers, as the Deviant dashed from the room and scurried up into the ceiling frantically, leaving pigeons everywhere on the floor, pecking on the seeds on the ground.

Once the coast was clear, he stammered out from beneath the wet withered paperwork now glued to the ground, and looked around. He heard footsteps in the distance, and he rushed into the first room he could find. He went into the kitchen, and clawed up onto the counter with his leftover string he had attached to it, all the while shoo-ing away the pigeons in his path.

Then, three rough knocks emit from the wooden door, the entrance to the apartment room.

"Anybody home!?" He heard someone shout.

"Open up! Detroit police!" Jack's heart skipped a beat, and he managed his way up onto the counter.

Then, the first door was kicked open. They still had one more door to open before they reached the kitchen, and that door was right across from the counter Jack was on.

Jack looked around, trying to find the perfect place to hide. There was no time to go back down now. He saw a bag of birdseeds, thick enough to hide Jack's small form from behind. He went right behind it, and in union, the door was busted open. Jack struggled back a yelp in fear and suprise.

The pigeons in front of the door flew up and into the men's faces.

"What the fuck is this?!" An old man yelled as he entered with his gun held up.

"Jesus, this place stinks..." He said as a younger man followed from behind, unaffected by the flocks of birds.

Jack looked closer at the men. The younger one, he realized, wasn't even a man. It was one of those... what do you call them... Andriods. It was an Android.

Jack quickly kept his head back, only able to predict the men's movement using his ears.

"Uh, looks like we came for nothin', our man's gone."

"My systems are detecting another life form in this apartment, lieutenant."

"It's just the damn birds Connor."

It's not the birds... Jack thought nervously.

The Android, called Connor, went over to the fridge and opened it, only to find it empty inside.

The suspect didn't eat.

The Android then moved over to the counter, and shoo-ed off the pigeon on the counter. Connor picked up the OI' Barn box of birdseeds.

The suspect cared for wild animals.

Jack kept his breath still. He's never been this close in range to an Android before.

Connor's systems were screaming at him at this point. A life form was nearby. It wasn't a bird life form.

He put down the birdseeds, and scanned the counter. Connor's LED on the side of his head flashed yellow. A strand of slim string was highlighted. He picked it up with his hands carefully to not damage any evidence, and he analyzed it.





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